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A/N: Last update! I'll be revising my work, though.

Donald was a happy boy. He grew up in the 1900s mage community in New York City, living his life in harmony with the normals. He loved seeing his parents do magic, and he wanted to move to Meliasvene, which was the home base for mages, and become Head Mage when he grew up. The Purts lived in Queens, and Mr. Purt would commute to Manhattan and back every day for work. The trouble began when Donald's little sister, Marla, started getting in fights with normals. She would start the fights, then come home and say the normals started it, even though many witnesses said Marla was the initiator. Of course, the Purts didn't believe anyone except for their precious Marla, and she got off the hook. Donald didn't care for his sister at all, but the thought of normals sullying mages with their touch made him angry at normals. The final straw came when Donald's father jumped in front of a car to prove to his friends that he could put up a protection spell more quickly than the rest of them. He couldn't, and he got hit by the car. He died in the hospital, and even though bystanders swore Mr. Purt had jumped, the Purts wouldn't believe it. Donald was furious- his father's death meant that his luxurious lifestyle came to an end. He swore that someday, he would teach the Normals a lesson- in the meantime, he had to work in a factory so his family would have enough food.

A few years later, Donald's chance came. He went to study with a potions master, who taught him that there was a certain potion that turned him into a spirit. He would be immortal as long as he wasn't killed, and even though he had to use magic to do everything but move, he could possess people and use their bodies as his own. As he studied with the old woman, he devised a plan. He formulated a recipe for a potion that would allow him to become incredibly strong; the downside was that he had to permanently possess someone to have access to the power. He decided that it was a price worth paying, and he got to work on the spirit potion.

Donald decided that he would make the strength potion once he had possessed someone. Just in case something went wrong, he bought a black diamond ring that he could hide his spirit self in until someone freed him. He became distracted from his potions, and even though his master worried that there was something wrong with Donald, she didn't suspect that he was up to something. After all, why should she? Donald was a polite, helpful young man who excelled at his studies. He wouldn't do anything harmful.

Finally, the spirit potion was almost complete- it just needed one more ingredient, mint leaves. Donald had taken a big bag of them from the large cabinet that all the supplies were stored in and had poured a cup full of them into the potion when there was a loud knock on the door. He jumped and quickly stirred the potion until everything was dissolved, sure that the knock on the door was nothing. Then he heard his master open the door. The guest introduced himself as "Damon McCarthy, from the Potions Department of the New York Mage Police, here to do the yearly potions lab checkup."

"Ah, yes, Officer McCarthy. I didn't realize that it was time for the inspection already. Well, time flies!" laughed Donald's teacher.

Donald panicked. He hurriedly cast a spell, erasing himself from the memories of everyone but himself. The spell drained him, but he gulped down the potion, and as the officer got closer and closer to his room, he completed the transformation into a spirit and threw himself into the ring. The officer entered his room, searched it, found nothing wrong, and left. Donald fumed, starting to hate mages for making him transform so hurriedly.

Then Donald forgot his sister's name. A few moments later, he forgot he had a sister entirely. He realized what was going on- he had cast the spell wrong, and it was affecting him, too. He was determined to hold on to the fact that he hated mages- even more now that he was forgetting everything, including his recipe for the strength potion- and normals. Once the memory spell had taken all the memories related to Donald, he still had that hatred rooted in his bones, making him want to destroy all that he could by draining them dry.

A/N: And that's how the spirit became the spirit. Sorry if it's a little choppy. Vote, comment, share, follow!

-Deepio the Slytherin

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