Chapter 4

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A/N: THREE CHAPTERS. ONE DAY. FOUR HOURS. I AM THE SHIT. Anyways, hope you like the story!

Tessa scraped her feet against the ground as she and Kaia swung on the swingset in Kaia's backyard. Kaia lived just down the street from Tessa, so Tessa's mother deemed it safe for her to go over. "It's so weird! We're still doing the same normal shit, but at the same time we're stuck in our houses waiting for this spirit dude to come and kill us all!" Tessa sighed.

"'Tis strange, indeed, my friend," Kaia responded. "Also, I can't believe you still wear that ring."

"What?! I paid for it! Plus, there isn't any spiritual residue after a spirit leaves an object."


"I really hope our parents don't get hurt because of this," Tessa fretted.


They sat in silence for a few more minutes before Kaia spoke. "I think we could. We're both pretty good mages, and we could use a freeze spell on them and hide them in my cellar. That sounds a lot like kidnapping, but it would just be keeping them safe, right?"

"Actually, that's a good idea!" Tessa exclaimed.

"Don't sound so surprised," Kaia huffed.

"Sorry. But we should. They won't need food or water since the freeze spell will be in place, and we can transform the cellar door into regular ground and then come back when this whole mess is figured out!" Tessa exclaimed, trying to keep a natural tone as she planned how to go through with what she had to do without alerting Kaia.

"I'll have the cellar door open. Make them invisible too."

"I might not have enough energy to do all that. If I'm not back in half an hour, come to my house."

"Got it."

Tessa took a few deep breaths and entered the house. Her mother turned from the kitchen counter, where she and Mark were chopping vegetables. "Hi, honey," her mom said.

Tessa decided to just get it over with. A torrent of gold and blue sparks flew out of her palms, coating her mother and brother in them. When the light show stopped, Tessa dragged them to the car and drove down the street. She was hyperventilating, having never done something illegal in her life, other than shoplifting candy the summer before second grade. She texted Kaia and told her to open the garage. A few minutes later, the door rattled up and Tessa pulled in next to Kaia's mom's car. She pulled her frozen mom to the cellar, then her brother, all the while thinking oh god oh god oh god and trying not to bump their heads on anything in Kaia's cluttered house. Finally, when Kaia was about to transform the cellar door, Tessa raised her hands to eye level and shot a freezing spell at her best friend. Kaia's face was frozen in a betrayed expression that Tessa didn't want to look at as she dragged her friend to the cellar and transformed the door. She went home after creating projections of Kaia and her mother driving away and her mother and Mark flying off. After they were a few miles away, she made the projections disappear. Tessa flopped on her bed and fell asleep. She had a strange dream with the girl from the labs appearing in it. She didn't remember the dream when she woke up.

. . . . .

Ella was kind of enjoying the whole "sit back and relax" concept of possession. It was the one nice thing about the fact that she was being possessed by an evil spirit that wanted to take over the world. It did mean that she'd probably be arrested if this mess was fixed, though. But it also meant that Ella could think about that Tessa girl without tripping, as she usually did while thinking of crushes. The downside to that was that the spirit could hear her thoughts and would probably kill Tessa anyways. Ella sighed. She couldn't even try to stop him; he would always know what she was thinking. Right now, they were on their way to the Meliasvene Crypt. After a few minutes of flying, they arrived. They chugged down an invisibility potion. There were invisibility detectors, but Ella had found a safe path. They should really upgrade their security, she thought. They got to the crypt and found the First Mages, encased in diamond and magic. Nobody knew if they really were the first, but many, if not all, mages were descended from the two of them. The spirit knocked out the security guard, who was sitting at a computer, with Ella's magic. They sat down and the spirit asked Ella what to do. Ella didn't want to, but she automatically thought the answer. They fed the cameras a loop that would play for the next ten minutes. The spirit deactivated the alarms, took a piece of hair from each of the First Mages, and reactivated them. They gave the guard a reviving potion and a memory loss potion, so the guard was unaware that anything had happened- and it looked like nothing had happened at all.

Then they went to the house of the strongest mage in the world. They deactivated the alarms and crept to the mage's bedroom. They picked one of her hairs from the hairbrush sitting on the vanity table and left, reactivating the alarms as they went. In the bag they were wearing, they had a collapsible metal pot and stick, some oven mitts, a knife, and the potion. They flew to a Hawaiian volcano and added all the needed ingredients. The blood pouring out of Ella's body just added to the ice-cold pain of the spirit possessing her. As the spirit used Ella's body to stretch the metal pole across the mouth of the volcano and prop the spit up, Ella contemplated her life. She was an intern with one or two friends, her parents were divorced, her mom hated her and her dad, and she had no love life. She still didn't want to die, though. She hadn't pushed that far. She just wanted the stupid spirit out

As if in response to her angry thought, the spirit seemed to release its hold on her a little- just enough for him not to notice. And that gave Ella hope, even as she was standing on top of a volcano being possessed by a spirit that wanted to take over the world. She knew she could never push him out all the way by herself, but she could dissent. She was jolted from her thoughts when the spirit poured a healing potion on her arm, saying, "I can't have the one I'm possessing die, now can I?" The wound sealed, he poured the potion, with added hairs and blood, into the pot, covered it, and slid the pot to the middle of the volcano.

. . . . .

Tessa jolted awake. She thought of that pretty girl in the lab, and how the disappearance of the spirit was so odd. The puzzle pieces clicked together. Shit. He's possessing her.

When Tessa got to the labs, however, it was to find out that the girl had left to Hawaii. There was no time to waste, so she rented a Perane- a plane that took up to seven passengers that was basically a super fast, flying car- and headed to Hawaii.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Vote, share, comment, follow!


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