Unexpected Visitors (a quick prologue)

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(Name) was average at best. Average grades, average looks. She moved in her new house and transferred to the nearest school.
Life was going to be boring, she thought until the day the unexpected visitors came by.

A boy with unkept hair, looking like he didn't want to be there, was at the door with his parents.
(Name) tuned out their boring old greetings and she didn't bother looking up from her book until a shadow loomed over her.

"(Name) right? I'm Kuroo. I like volleyball." The bedheaded boy greeted.

"Nice to meet you Kuroo! I like reading!" She beamed at him.

He didn't expect her to be this chipper.

But, they continued talking. About the things they like and trivial things like their favourite colours, or favourite foods.

Kuroo quickly learned that this girl is kinda annoying, but nonetheless his parents could reward him with candy for being friendly.

(Name) quickly learned that this boy was pretty fun, and she failed to see through his fake smiles and laughs.


The rest of their child hood was a blur. (Name) transferred to Kuroo's school. Much to his dismay.

(Name)'s mom asked if he could walk her to school and back, much to his dismay.

(Name) sat beside him. Much to his dismay.

She even got in the way of his childish flirting with the other girls. Much to his dismay.

It did not go unnoticed to (name) that Kuroo treated the other girls much differently than herself. So she decided to be friendlier to him! Fool proof plan!!
Much to Kuroo's dismay.


And so, their childhood remained like a one sided friendship. It wasn't until graduation of elementary school that (name) realized she was a terrible bother.

"You're so annoying! You never left me alone! I hate you! Never talk to me again you freak! I never liked you!" Kuroo screamed at her. All she did was congratulate him on graduating like herself.

She was surprised at this. She always thought he thought of her as a friend. Guess not.

She bowed low and replied, "I'm sorry. I didn't know you hated me so much."
And with that, she ran away with tears in her eyes.

Did I go too far? He asked himself. He never thought more of it over the break though.

(Name) didn't walk back home with Kuroo and Kenma (who also lived beside her). That day, she ran home and cried her heart out. Not at the harsh words he spoke, but at the fact she never realized he hated her.

And so, their elementary school years ended along with the one sided friendship of Kuroo and (name).

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