An Honest Guy

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Kuroo in all honesty, was a nice guy.

So when his mom invited (name) and her mom over for dinner, it wasn't exactly his fault for putting her in an awkward situation.

Alas, the dinner was fine. Social, polite and seemingly fine. Kuroo's mother was gushing over how nice it was to see (name) again, since she seemingly grew distant from Kuroo for a period of time??

If only she knew.

But the dinner wasn't what made (name) uncomfortable. It was after, that (name) felt violated.

"Tetsurou, why don't you and (name) go walking to the convenience store to get some snacks? And pick up Kenma-kun on the way back, he should be with you both too." Mrs.Kuroo smiled and told them, to which (name)'s mom agreed to.



Neither teen knew how to break the ice, but Kuroo felt quite obliged to start a conversation. Kenma had answered his door looking like shit, snot nosed and raspy throat. He was clearly sick (much to (name)'s dismay since he could've made things less awkward.) and therefore left (name) and Kuroo on the road to the convenience store.  

(Name) reached into her purse and pulled out her phone and headphones. Kuroo looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

"So you're just going to ignore me like this?"

(Name) icily glared back at him and proceeded to blast her music so loud that Kuroo could hear it from the outside.

But she wasn't really listening to music, she was deep in thought. After much consideration, she turned the volume down and pulled one earphone out.

"You know you're an asshole." She looked up at him, both of them stopping walking.

"And you're not as cold and icy as everybody thinks you are. " He smirks.

"You're also annoying as hell. " she added.

"So I've been told." He lets out a small laugh.

"You're the stupidest person I've ever met."

"That's not what my grades say." He laughs again.

She's at a loss for words, because does nothing faze this guy? She was about to throw more insults but his next words froze her.

"Is it my turn to insult now?" He smirks again and bends down to her level. (Since she was a great deal shorter than him.)

"I think you're really cute."

Her eyes widen and she stays rooted in that spot as he straightens and begins walking again.

She snapped out of her trace after 30 seconds or so, and ran to catch up to him.

"Wha- you-- that's not even an insult!!" She fumed.

He laughs and keeps walking.


When they got back to Kuroo's house, their mothers insisted on them watching a movie.  

"So? What movie do you want to watch?"

She sighed. "I don't care. "

Kuroo hummed, "I guess I'll put in something sappy, girls usually like chickflicks right? Sappy romances?"he mused.

At the end of the movie, (name) heard a muffled sniffle from the other end of the couch.

"Kuroo...are you crying?"

He played it off with "Nah there's just something in my eye" but the dried tears streamed down his face said otherwise.

The corners of her lips twitched, only for a moment, but he noticed.

She got up and proceeded to walk out of his house. "Wait! What kind of man would I be to let a lady walk home alone?" He said exasperated.

She rolled her eyes and walked out, saying goodbye to Kuroo's mother, with Kuroo quickly following behind.


so sorry i didnt update for like months omg ill post another chapter to make it up to u enjoyyyy skskskks

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