Chapter 10

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Dipper's POV

Help!, please!, help me!......

Bill's POV

I ran through the hallways, then I found a gardener, I grabbed him by his shirt collar, "where's the prince!" I growled, he was terrified, "I...I don't know!, I was in the garden this whole time!, b....but ask Silvia o...or Tom" he said, I dropped him and went to find those two, finally I found Tom, I grabbed him by the collar, "where the fuck is my siren!" I yelled, "hmm, I won't tell you" he sneered, I made him stare into my eyes, his skin was turning pale, his eye widened, "STOP!, PLEASE!, I'LL TELL YOU!" he screamed, I stopped, "he's with the a warehouse near the lake " I got red, literally, I turned red of anger, "Undyne!, Foxy!" I called, Foxy came as fast as lightning, Undyne ran after, "yes Captain?" asked Undyne, "the prince kidnapped my siren, help me rescue him", "oh no, not Dipper" said Undyne, "we'll help you get the lad fish back Captain" said Foxy, Undyne nodded in agreement, "thanks guys, ready to go?", they both nodded, we ran to the warehouse. We got inside, it was quite dark, "Undyne you look over there, Foxy, you the other way, I'll look here" I ordered, "yes Captain!", they said and parted their ways, I looked everywhere, I was about to give up when I saw a glowing light, I turned and saw Pine Tree, he was in a small tank not enough room to stretch, I ran to him, "Pine Tree!", his eyes fluttered open, he has his mouth covered with a cloth, when he looked at me his eyes lighted up, "I'm so happy to see you too" I said, I was about to open the lid when, "stop right there!", I turned, it was the prince, he had a sword, "that Siren will be mine, whether he likes it or not!" he was talking about Dipper, Dipper was wriggling violently, the prince pressed a button and shocked Dipper, he stayed still, blue tears rolling down his cheeks, "Zayn!, stop this instant or else" I growled, he started laughing, "oh yeah?, what will a nasty pirate do to me, a prince" he scoffed, I smirked and chuckled, "what's that for?" he asked, "oh Zayn, you don't know me any better do you?", "what do you mean?", I teleport right in front of his face, "I'm a demon", I snapped my fingers and and two hell hounds appeared, Zayn was terrified, so was his men, some of them ran away, "now, give back Pine Tree or else you want to get your soul eaten by these guys", "okay! okay!, you win!, just make them leave!" he cried, I snapped my fingers and the hell hounds disappeared, he unlocked the tank, and ran away as fast as he could, Dipper got out of the tank, he turned into human, he hugged me,I hugged him back, "thank you!" he said, I kissed his cheek, Undyne and Foxy came running, "Captain!, Dipper!, ya two okay?" asked Undyne, I nodded, "come on let's leave this island" I said, three nodded, I held Dipper's hand. 

Dipper's POV (in the ship on sea)

I'm so happy Bill came to rescue me, I think I like him now, I don't know anymore, "brother!, Dipper!, are you guys okay?" asked Will, hugging Bill, aww, that reminded me of Mabel, tears were rolling down my cheeks again, "Dipper!, you okay?" asked Will, I wanted to nod my head yes, but instead my head shook no, "why?, what's wrong?" asked Bill, wrapping his arms around my waist, "I miss my sister" I whispered, "aww, Dipper, why you didn't tell us you had family?" asked Will, "I thought that wouldn't be important" I admitted, "but you still want to stay here, right?" asked Bill, I smiled, "yes,but I wanna see my family, just one last time" I said, "Captain!, we're under attack!" yelled someone, we all ran outside, there was....Grunkle Stan!, great Uncle Ford!...Mabel!, they were in their human forms, thank goodness they had cloths on, "Mabel?!" I asked, Mabel looked at me for a minute, "Dipper!" she squealed and hugged me, "Bill don't attack them please" I told him, he nodded, "kiddo!, you're okay!" said Grunkle Stan, "I'm so glad you're okay" said Uncle Ford, "Bill, this is my family" I told him, he waved at them, "Dipper, we're here to rescue you!" squealed Mabel, Bill froze, I stared at her, "wh...what?" I asked, "we're taking you home kiddo" said Grunkle Stan, when he said home I noticed a white light appearing in Bill's eyes, "!" I said, everyone's smiles disappeared, Bill stared at, "no?, what do you mean no?!" asked Mabel, "I...actually like it here, these people are nice to me" I replied, "don't tell me he's nice too" said Uncle Ford, glaring at Bill, "well yes he is" I said.

(hahahahaha you have to find out in the next chapter!, see ya)

- Alphyne23

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