Chapter 15 Happily Ever After

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(guys....stop hanging over my cliff......we're continuing, YAAYYYYYY!!!....FINALLY!, Back To The Story)

Dipper's POV

"Wh...where are you taking me?!" I yelled at Tad, he smirked, "like I said, we're gonna have fun!" he said enthusiastically, I had a bad feeling about this, he sat me on a chair and took out a syringe, "wait!, stop!" I begged but it was too late, he injected  the  syringe in my arm, I felt the pain ran pass my body, I suddenly felt heavy, and sleepy, my vision got blurry, and everything got pure black.....

I opened my eyes, I realized my hands were chained from the ceiling, I then heard footsteps, "wh...who's there?" I asked, I heard chuckling, I know the chuckle...."TAD!" I growled, "you guessed it cutie" he cooed, I growled, "if Bill knows that you kidnapped me he will-", "he will do nothing because he doesn't even know where we are creature" he said, "and you know.....I think should marry" said Tad smirking, "ha!, when I'm dead!" I scoffed, he started laughing,it gave me chills, "that's the're a siren, but sirens aren't immortal" he said his voice trailing off, I was curious about where he was going with this, "and?", he smirks, "well....what would be much better than a siren bride?....a demon siren bride!" he said excitedly, wait....wha?!, "oh hell nah!'re not making me into you!" I yelled, he grinned wickedly, "well....I'm still turning you into one, so ta ta!" he singsonged, he press a button, the floor opened, revealing a pit of blue liquid, "see this Dipper, this is liquid acid that can turn anyone into a demon.....what your're gonna be shortly!" he said, I started panicking, "NO!, PLEASE DON't!" I begged, tears forming in my eyes, he smiled of amusement, "this is the only way so we can be together darling!" he cooed, I was about to say something but he dropped me inside of the acid.

Bill's POV

I decided to go look for Tad....maybe he knows where Dipper sign of him, "Bill!, Bill!" cried 8 Ball behind me, I groaned, "ugh!, what is it 8?!"  I growled, "ummm...I know where your boyfriend is" he said, my eyes widened, "well tell me then!" I yelled, "he....he's with Tad....Tad said he was going to do something with him", I turned red of anger, "like what kind of thing?" I growled, 8 Ball gulped, "I...I don't know...all I know is that he's in his" play room" with him" said 8 Ball, I ran quickly out of the ballroom, I know exactly where he is, he calls his "torture room" "play room", oh I'm gonna torture him until the end of time!, I got to the door, "yes...YES!" I heard Tad yell wickedly, I bust the door opened, Tad was watching shaking violently in a tank full of his liquid acid, he turn and face me, first his reaction was surprised, but then it quickly turn into a smirk, "Bill!, Amigo!, you're right on time! my new  bride" he said, wait..WHAT?!, he pulled someone out, but since the room was dark I couldn't see who it was, then dropped it into a tank full of water, "my demon siren bride" he said, I saw Dipper...he looked the same...he looked afraid...."BILL!" he called out, "Pine Tree!", I was running towards him but Tad caught me with his whip, "oh no, you're not going near him!" sneered Tad, I was stuck, I was always no match for his whip.

Dipper's POV

I saw how tad caught Bill with a whip, I could see Bill was getting weak from it, I was angry, I snapped my fingers and teleport in front of him, my legs were back, Tad in surprise let go of the whip, if my singing controlled humans when I was a normal siren...I wonder what happens now that I'm a demon siren, "Bill cover your ears!" I called to him, he nodded and covered his ears, I turned to Tad, "Tad....this is a song..just for you" I said, and smiled, he smiled too, "oh!, well, don't mind if I do" he said, he made his whip disappear and sat on the floor, I made sure Bill was still covering his ears, yes he was, goes nothing, I started singing, "I torture youuu, take my hand through the flames, I torture youuuu, I'm a slave to your games, I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down,oooooh, I'm just a sucker for pain", his eyes widened, he was smiling but inside of him was screaming for me to stop, I smiled and continued singing, he suddenly, was turning into stone, I sang louder, and then he turned into stone,I stopped, "can I stop covering my ears now?" asked Bill, I giggled and nodded, he walked up beside me, staring at the statue of Tad, "'s over" said Bill, I nodded, "and look what he did to me!....he turned me into a demon siren!" I said angrily, "but..look at the bright side" said Bill, "what?" I asked concerned, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer, "you get to spend all internity with me!" he said, I thought of it and giggled, "yeah...I think I wanna be a demon for all eternity" I said, "with me!" said Bill, I smiled at him, "yeah.....with you".

(thank you guys for everything, BYE!!)


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