Chapter 6

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Disclaimer:I Don't own Naruto if I did then this would be true

"I've decided to change things up this week." Kakashi stood before the four genin after their latest D-rank mission. It had been about a month and a half since Kakashi had taken them on, but the daily routine for the most part had never changed.

The routines had been the same, but Naruto in an attempt to get more out of the day had begun to use as little chakra as possible during the team training, it conserved his chakra for later training and made his individual sessions longer.

The problem was that it made him significantly weaker in the fight; really this wasn't much of a problem because Kakashi didn't seem to notice the difference, Naruto had been getting stronger and faster without chakra, and Kakashi just destroyed him anyways. Naruto reasoned that team training was to strengthen the team; by fighting without chakra he was adding an extra element in the training for himself, maximizing his time for the day.

"For the last four days of the week we'll continue team training. But for the first three days, Sakura, Sasuke, and Aiko will be training in some jutsu I've decided to teach you, as well as shoring up your weaknesses in your taijutsu and improving on it."

"But what about me, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto protested, "Why don't I get special training?"

"Naruto, you should be using this extra time to catch up on what you didn't learn at the academy. I know you don't like it, but you need to learn what you missed before I can help you. Continue training in academy taijutsu and reading the required texts. I know you're using shadow clones to do your reading for you, keep doing that."

"But Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto whined, "I want to learn new jutsu too!"

"Naruto, I've looked at your records... you have the worst chakra control of all the genin in your age group, you're simply not ready to learn any new jutsu, until your control improves-"

"Then teach me!" Naruto yelled.

Kakashi replied calmly, "I have one more genin than normal on this team Naruto, and right now you're the weakest. I can't hold the others back to wait for you to improve to even an academy level."

Naruto was stunned by the unfairness of it all, he had worked hard to improve as much as he had in the last month, and Kakashi was just dismissing him as if he hadn't learned anything at all!

"Fine!" Naruto spat, trying to keep the anger out of his voice and failing miserably, "I don't want to learn any of your stupid jutsu anyways!"

With that parting shot, Naruto ran off. The other three looked to the Jounin, who continued as if he had been uninterrupted.

"Sakura, I've decided you will be first, so Sasuke, Aiko, you're dismissed for the day."

"Yes, Sensei." The three replied in uncertain unison.

Sasuke went off to the Uchiha training grounds while Aiko went to search for Naruto. She checked the normal spots he liked to hang around, Ichiraku, the Hokage monument... but didn't find him, she checked his apartment last.

The window and shades were closed, so she couldn't see if he was inside, she knocked on the door, and there was no answer. She tried turning and found that it was locked; Aiko called out, "Naruto? Are you in there?"

Naruto was in fact in his apartment, with twelve clones. Sitting in knots of four, eleven clones and Naruto were practicing moving leaves to and from their foreheads, reaching out about half a foot for each before bringing them back in. The twelfth clone was at the kitchen table, reading the very long history book of the academy which covered all three Shinobi wars, the basics of each village, and the founding of Konoha.

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