Chapter 1

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So I don't really know what the human names are so if you know please comment that would A LOT... Thanks

"I have to make this country last. But I don't want to be like the other countries with only provinces and cities." America said to himself. Suddenly a great idea came to his mind.
"I know what I'll do!!!" Said the hero excitedly.
~ about 300 years later~
"This meeting is in session." A purple haired party boy said.

"Nevada! Just because we are doing this meeting in your country doesn't mean you get to be leader!" Said a heavy dressed man.
"Connecticut just cuz your a fuckin' colony doesn't mean you run the damn show either." Said a brown haired blue eyed girl.
"Shut the fuck up Jersey." Said cool looking guy.
"Oh my god this is why I don't like you damn northeners!" Said a southern accented man.
"People!" Yelled America. "We have been official for like 300 years and you guys still can't get along! Do you want another civil war?!" America was fuming. "I made you guys so that we wouldn't be like the other countries! But this country will fall and so will America all together! Do you want that?" All the states shok there head 'no'.
"Then you all need to start getting along!" America sighed. "Now for other things. Texas you need to get ahold of your racism and police. And Wisconsin you need to get ahold of your rascim and anger." The meeting went on for about and hour.
"Thank you every one and have a good week."

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