Chapter 2

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So I am first going to show you what happed with the civil war.
America huffed as he left the meeting.
"This isn't going as well as I hoped it would." He thought back to the civil war.
((I'm going to do this in italics so you know it is a flashback))
"What's going on here?!" America yelled.
"Those stupid Southerner's think its ok to keep slaves!" Yelled Virginia.
"It is ok! They came here on their own!" Yelled Texas.
"You guys need to stop before someone gets really hurt." Yelled America.
"You are to lar for that!" Yelled Arizona. He swung a fist at America. America tried to dodge but was cut of guard when he was pschyced out by a kick rather than a punch. He fell to the ground. Vermont ran to America's side.
"Are you alright Alfred?" Asked Vermont.
"Yes I'm fine." Vermont growled and pulled a switch blade out.
"How could you so carelessly hit father?!" Vermont yelled.
"I can do whatever the fuck I want to do!" Yelled Arizona. They began fighting as well.
'No this wasn't supposed to be like this. I was supposed to flourish and my country was supposed to be the best in the world! Why is this happening?!'
"STOP!" America yelled. "Just stop. This is worthless! This war is worthless we can get a long! Put down your guns and swords! We are Americans. We are the best country in the world! We don't have to fight to get what we want! Texas and the southern states you don't need slaves! Get off your asses and do the work yourself! You had no problem during the westward expansion! Did you?!"
"No..." Replied Texas.
"Vermont! Put down the damn switch blade! Yes Arizona kicked me and yes I may have a broken rib or two but he is still your brother!" She dropped the switch blade. "Arizona! Cool it! You don't have to use violence to get what you want!" America sighed. The states fell to their knees one by one and cried and wept and begged their father, America, for forgiveness.
"I definetly don't want that to happen again. If that happened one more time who knows if I'd be able to stop it again."

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