The Atlantis Gene - Prologue

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Kevin Collins grimaced as the Maersk branded container lolled to one side. He pushed and pulled the levers on the crane's control console and adjusted the load. This was one heavy shipping container. Whatever was inside, it clearly wasn't the pair of cars the manifest claimed it to be. He clicked his radio receiver.

'Jim? Jim, are you receiving?' He paused and gripped his armrests as the reinforced steel struts supporting his crane let out an ominous creak.

'Receiving. You alright up there, Kev?'

'I'm bringing this one back down to you, Jim. There's something bloody heavy inside. Doesn't match up to the manifest. Damn thing is doing its best to rip Bertha from her foundations. Would never have tried flighting it if I'd known.'

'No problem, mate. Just ease her in nice and slow. I'll get the customs boys to give her the once over. If they're happy I'll pass the container over to one of the heavy lifters. Bit weird though, says on my list there's only meant to be a couple of Range Rovers in there.'

'Cheers, Jim, and much appreciated. I don't think Bertha could've actually got this one up on deck anyway. She's straining as it is and we're only a few metres up.'

Kevin signed off and wiped the perspiration from his forehead as the crane creaked again. This was far from ideal. He needed to get the load as close to Bertha's tower as possible before he could even think about lowering the container. He shook his head. Why hadn't he checked the weight before hauling the container skyward? Now his job was on the line because of a stupid mistake. He eased back on the control lever and watched with trepidation as the shipping container eased its way along Bertha's jib. He turned on the wiper blades attached to his cab and shook his head as they swept the lashing rain from the small Perspex window. This damn storm wasn't helping matters. Kev ducked as a streak of lightning flashed above him, illuminating the dock and the huge commercial vessel he'd been tasked with loading.

He glanced skyward and saw the lightning conductor sparking atop the apex. He blew the air from his lungs and turned his attention back to the container as a clap of thunder roared about him. The storm was right on top of him. As soon as this bloody container hit the ground he'd be following it. No way was he going to risk his life working in the midst of an electric storm. He'd be having words with his Union rep as soon as he was safe and dry. It was ridiculous he'd been forced to work tonight; even on triple pay, it just wasn't worth it.

A second bolt flashed past his cab. He frowned. Past his cab? He glanced down and grasped hold of his chair in horror as he realised where the bolt had earthed. One of the thick cables supporting the container creaked and snapped with a pinging sound loud enough to give Kevin tinnitus. He clamped his hands over his ears and watched in horror as the container, now free of its bonds, tipped to one side. The contents slid and slammed into the metal wall with a clang, displacing the weight. A second cable snapped and Kevin felt his eyes widen as the whole thing swung out from the tower crane he'd christened, Bertha and headed for the ground.

The mast creaked and with a sickening crack he felt it lurch under him. The container punched into the ground and its doors burst open, spilling the contents across the dockside. The crane lurched again and Kevin was pitched into the window, now directly facing the various shipping containers still to be loaded. He tried turning his head, but wished he hadn't as he realised the crane's own counter-weight had become its enemy and seemed intent on finishing the job the shattered container had started. The fractured mast lurched forward another few metres as the huge weight imposed itself on the bending steel.

Another bolt of lightning rushed past the cab, the rush of heat and electrical charge this time so close, Kevin could have sworn he was its target. He blinked, the relief he was still alive quickly replaced by wonder as he looked to the ground. An electrical charge sizzled and fizzed over the surface of a huge object lying just beyond the wrecked Maersk container. He squinted in the darkness. The bolt appeared to have activated it and it pulsated a dull, bluish light. It looked like a miniature pyramid, but nothing like any Kevin had seen before. He could see a couple of the customs boys scurrying about below and pointing up at him.

'Come on guys,' whispered Kevin. 'Just take your time getting help. It's not like there's any urgency.' He shifted his weight and checked himself as a small hairline crack appeared in the Perspex. Taking shallow breaths to avoid agitating the crack further, he looked back down at the scene below. The pyramid was getting brighter and the pulses more frequent. He squinted. Was he imagining it or perhaps this was some kind of extreme optical illusion? No, the pulses of light were definitely brightening. Without warning the pyramid flickered and erupted into a crescendo of pure white light. He shielded his eyes but couldn't bring himself to look away as the light spread, swallowing up the dock and the workers below. It was like watching a bomb explode in slow motion.

Kevin yelled in pain as the searing white, blinding light engulfed his cab. He snapped his eyes shut but to no avail as his retinas were scorched beyond repair. Writhing in pain, Kevin could hear and feel the window cracking under him but it was the crane's mast which gave way first. Kevin's world tumbled into freefall as Bertha's cab plummeted downward. The cab jerked to a sudden stop as the crane's protruding jib smashed into the ground, buckling on impact. Kevin felt an wave of pain wash over him as his body smashed through the already damaged window. He arms flailed and instinctively adopted a break fall pose. Borne of hours of training, he spread his legs and forced his forearms into a triangular shape in front of his face. He heard a clang as he landed and Kevin's world faded to black; only his fingers twitching as his body tentatively held onto life.

A little taster of my new project...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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