Chapter 4: "Bubbler?"

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Almost after two weeks, I heard Marinette screaming about Adrien's birthday. The time was almost near for my first battle! I think I was able to make new friends such as Alya, Nino, Juleka, Rose, Adrien, and Marinette. But I think I was pretty chill with everybody actually. It was only Chloé and Sabrina that got on my nerves from time to time. School was just ending and my battle would be tomorrow! From what I recall Adrien's birthday was on a Friday. Also if you're curious about that whole anime incident. Let's just say Adrien and I kept talking about how great anime is and that a lot of people don't understand the true beauty of it. Oh man though, Adrien's pun game was on point. Meanwhile I tried to make jokes too. It's just like any other nonfictional story you see but through a different medium. We then agreed to watch some anime together later on. Breaking from my thoughts, Chloé came up to me. "So what are you? It's been two weeks and know one in this class knows what you are you freak." I gave her a Saitama deadpan look and said "I'm a girl." Literally five people in the class said "Ooohhhhh" aloud. Wow, thanks guys.

I now planned to create a surprise party for Adrien, because I seriously felt bad for the guy whose father cares for him but won't let him have fun. By the way Nathaniel and I became buds. We're chill, but I know he has a crush on Marinette because of episode 7 so I tried to keep my distance. So now was the time to actually follow through this surprise plan. I walk over to the group of four (Alya, Marinette, Nino, and Adrien). "Hey you guys!" I look at the floor as they said 'what's up?' "Um..." I began to speak as Nathaniel distracts Adrien and took him out of the room. "Okay I suggest we plan a surprise party for Adrien at the park tomorrow at 6:30pm. How does that sound?" Marinette and Alya nod but Nino asks, "Maybe we could ask his old man to throw it?" "I don't know about that Nino, but hey you can ask tomorrow" "Yeah. It's Adrien's old man and he's never had a party, so how could the old man say no?" Was I being selfish by letting this happen? But what if we just cut Nino from asking Adrien's dad? How much would that change the timeline? Not a lot I think right? Because isn't it just more work for Ladybug and Chat Noir. I'll leave it be I guess... "Hey Li!" Alya said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Do you want to go shopping with Marinette and I after school today for an outfit for the party tomorrow?" "I would love to!" I said a little too loudly out of excitement. "Hey Marinette, would you like to make the announcement about the party tomorrow? Also, let's make it your idea, because I know how you feel." I gave her a goofy grin and nudge her with my elbow. I SHIP YOU GUYS! I scream at her in my head. Marinette start stuttering as she tries to talk to me. Alya then said, "I know Marinette didn't say anything about her feelings about Adrien but I guess you could just tell, huh? Or are you perhaps a spy with your observation skills? Ladybug?" "Ha! I'm not ladybug, but I am very flattered. Thank you." Once Marinette made the announcement everyone nods in agreement and our group of three to go shopping turned out to be our whole class going to the mall together. Well except for Chloe and Sabrina of course.

I seriously got bored of shopping, because I bought my outfit in 20 mins because I don't have a lot of clothes. I'll pay Master Fu back later once I get a job. I got black shorts with matching knee highs, a red shirt, and a black baseball cap to wear backwards. My black converse would work with this outfit. I then spent time actually giving comments and suggestions about my classmates choices which I usually don't do, but either way I know they would look great.

Next day I cheered Marinette on as she and Alya went to Adrien's house to deliver his present. But before I left I screamed at the top of my lungs, "DON'T FORGET TO WRITE YOUR NAME ON IT!" She flipped in her Marinette way, and she ran back to school to look for a pen and post it. I got Adrien a black hoodie with cat ears on it with a note saying: "you remind me of someone, but I thought this would be cute anyway :)" I decide to give it to him after the party. I then travel with Nino during lunch break to the Agreste household. We walk up to his mansion and I was amazed of what the inside looked like. When we step in I saw the stoic face of Natalie, Mr. Agreste's assistant. "Nino, I'm actually nervous." "Why dude?" "Adrien's father is cold. I can feel it from here." I wasn't kidding when I said this. Once I saw Adrien's father, it's like his eyes show no sign of warmth or compassion. I step back a bit and went slightly behind Nino. Mr Agreste spoke, "Adrien is not home yet." Nino responds with, "I came to see you du- sir." Nice going Nino. As Nino spoke some more, Adrien walks in. "Nino, Li, you're here?" "Anything for my best bud!" Nino replies. "We want you to be happy on your birthday Adrien." I said. In a way I kinda knew this was pointless and that Nino would just be akumatized. I sigh. Adrien looks at me, and I just gave a small smile. I then jump a bit when Mr. Agreste raises his voice, "...LEAVE NOW!" Come on Li speak up if you care about this guy! As Natalie shows us out and as we left I spoke quite loudly, "If you care about your son! You should care about his happiness!" Mr. Agreste turns around and I bolt. Yeah yeah, I was a scaredy cat, but I was always kind of sensitive when people yell. But I guess Chloé is an exception with her yelling, because she's kind of like a pushy chihuahua that yells so much it's the norm.

I ran through the gate and around the corner waiting for Nino. He didn't look so well. Meaning, he was akuma prey. Is it wrong for me to let this happen? I follow Nino to the park and I sat there looking at the ground trying to kicking my feet back and forth. "Argh adults ruin everything all the time." Nino spat. "Come on Nino you don't mean that." I said. "They're controlling Li! They don't want us to have ANY FUN!" "Nino calm down," I start, "we need adults to keep us safe to teach us. Adrien's dad is just overprotective, and in reality parents don't always love their kids. It's the sad truth, but I can tell you that there are good parents in the world. Nino, can you really say that you don't love your parents or guardians?" I ask him. Please have a nice upbringing please! I prayed, because I was assuming that he did, but hey his parents let him DJ on the side. "Hey can I play with some bubbles too?" I ask. I look at Nino his head was down. Shoot, was I too late? "Nino?" It was silent for awhile and he liftts his head. I look at his face and his eyes were closed. Come on Nino. Beat the akuma.

Nino screams. He screams so loud I flinch and cover my ears. I look around, there was neither a black butterfly nor Bubbler. There were a few startled people and tears of frustration on Nino's face. "Nino, do you feel better?" I ask. "You're right... I do care about my parents, and they care about me. It's just Adrien's dad... I don't understand." "I was surprised when I heard about this too... Man I'm like an old lady teaching youngsters about life." Nino laughs, "Ha! You," he points at me, "an old lady!" I pout and put my hands on my hips. "Come on Nino let's head back to class and figure out a way to sneak out Adrien from his house, kay?" I got up and offer my hand. I pull him up and we walk back.

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