Chapter 3

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They woke up Saturday morning around 10am and went down to the lunch hall for breakfast, Alex promising Scott that it was acceptable to go down in pjs and before showering. They ate a quick breakfast before going back to shower separately and get ready for the day. They decided to go into the city and explore because they wouldn't be able to do that when college properly started. They had a look online of places to go and discovers a big mall was only 25 minutes away. It had loads of stores and an ice skating rink, it was called the Galleria. They made it to The Galleria finding a parking space and going to find a restaurant to eat lunch. They did a little bit of shopping but it was getting too busy for Scotts liking.

"Do you want to leave?" Alex asked.

"Yes but I'm sure it will quiet down soon maybe we can sit down some place quiet"

"We can go if you feel uncomfortable" Alex said trying to remind Scott that he's not gonna make him do things he's not comfortable doing.

"I'll be alright." Alex took Scotts hand and led him to a quieter places away from screaming children, people in rushed and the ice rink that everyone seemed to love.

Dear mom,
               Me and Scott

"Scott and I" Scott corrected.

             Scott and I found a really cool mall called the Galleria. It was only about 25 minutes away from college. We had lunch in this really cute cafe and did a little bit of shopping. There is this big Ice rink right in the centre of the mall too! Unfortunately, I couldn't get Scott to skate(imagine).

Apparently, tomorrow is when most people arrive as it's the last day before the year actually starts. I'm excited to make some new friends. Believe it or not I just want college to actually start now. 

I think I'm gonna write to you once a week, on Sunday, but not tomorrow because I plan on sleeping all day. This way I can tell you what I have done in that week. I hope that's okay.

Alex X

"Are you actually going to sleep all day tomorrow?" Scott asked.

"Probably not but I don't plan on doing anything exciting so there is no point writing about me laying in bed."

"I'm going to sleep" Scott said, getting comfortable in his bed, Alex sitting up next to him.

"Okay I'm gonna stay up on my phone for a bit. Goodnight scotty." The brunette said placing a kiss on Scotts cheek.


Alex has been on his phone scrolling through all his social media when Scott woke with a fright.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked.

It took a minute for Scott to remember where they were but once he remember he settled back down without saying a word.

Alex assumed he must still be sleeping and decided to go to sleep as well. He put his phone on charged and curled into Scott's back. "Goodnight Scotty" he whispered.

A/N - 7 votes for next chapter and please comment it motivates me to write 😘

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