Chapter 5

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It was the first day of actual classes. Scott woke Alex up after he got out of the shower and was dressed.

"Morning already?" Alex groaned rubbing his eyes

"Yes 9:13 , I have to leave in 7 minutes" he said looking at his watch "you should get ready your class is at 10:30"

He groaned "We are having lunch together right?"

"Yes, at 12:30 in the cafeteria " Scott looked over his schedule one more time before putting in it in his bag, and then putting his wallet and phone in his pocket.

"I'll leave my phone on so text me if you need me" Alex smiled getting up to hug the blond.

"Okay...I have to go now" Scott said trying to pull back from the hug.

"Nervous" Alex smiled pulling back to see Scott nodding "me too. All your professors are aware of your autism you are gonna be fine Scott. I love you"

"I love you" Scott nodded looking at his watch again

"Go on, I don't want you to be late on your first day" Alex said watching Scott leave.


Alex spotted Scott in the cafeteria going over to him "hey, sorry I'm late I was talking to this girl in my class she invited me over to her room later, want to come?"

"A girls room?" Scott said making Alex chuckle.

"Yes, her friends are going to be there too, it will be nice to get to know new people"

"You can go, I wanna get a head start on my work, shall we go get food?" He said standing up. Alex followed him to the line

"It's the first day, you don't need a head start." Alex sighed "it will be fun"

"You go then"

"Fine" Alex Sighed. They got their food and sat to eat. "I'm going straight to Jessica's room so I won't see you until later"

"How late?" Scott asked

"I don't know" Alex shrugged

"8pm?" Scott suggested more than asked

"I don't know Scott" Alex sighed

"Why not?"

Alex sighed bringing his hand to his face massaging his head trying not to get mad for something Scott couldn't help not understand "She Just invited me over, I'm gonna be in the same building as you we haven't put a timeframe on it, understand?"

Scott nodded "I think so, I shouldn't wait up for you then?"

"Probably not, all your classes are quite early" Alex agreed "How was your first class?" They talked about their classes for awhile while they ate, Scott telling Alex how his professor had told him his son was also on the autistic spectrum which made him feel more comfortable around him to be himself.


Scott got back to his room just after four and after putting all his stuff in order he decided to call his mom

"Hey sweetheart, how was your first day?"

"Okay" Scott replied nonchalantly

"Good, have you made any friends?"

"Alex has" Scott said.

"Have you met them?"


"Oh sweetie, that doesn't count then." His mom lightly laughed "it's only the first day I'm sure Alex will introduce you to them. What have the two of you got planned for this evening"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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