Chaper 4

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Alex woke to the sound of the shower turning on and check his phone to see what time it was.
He groaned and rolled over pulling the comforter over his head. He laid there trying to fall back to sleep until Scott came back out of the bathroom "Morning" Alex grumbled emerging from the covers

"Good morning" Scott said going over to his bedside table and taking his phone off charge, putting the charger back in the draw neatly

"Did you sleep okay?" Alex asked reaching for his phone and seeing a text from his mom.

Thank you for the blog letter. Looking forward to hearing from you every Sunday xx Love you

"Okay....I had an anxiety dream but that's just my nerves" Scott admitted

"Are you sure? We can call Helena" Helena was Scotts therapist back home. In his senior year he kept getting anxiety dreams because he was scared for college.

"I should be fine. Are you coming to breakfast?" Scott asked putting his student ID and wallet out of his jacket pocket.

"Why don't you go down and get breakfast for the both of us and we'll eat in here" Alex smiled.

"You want to eat in our room?" Scott queried with a raised eyebrows.

"Why not?" Alex shrugged "like breakfast in bed right?"

"If you say so" Scott picked up his key and left heading to the lunch hall.

"Excuse me, do you know which way it is to the lunch hall?" A bearded man with blond hair kinda like Scott but a little shorter than him asked.

"Yeah I'm heading there right now" Scott carried on walking

"Does that mean follow you?" The boy asked quick on Scotts tail.

"If you must" the tall blond shrugged.

"I'm Taylor by the way" He hell out his hand for Scott to shake but he looked down then back up. "Too formal, you are right. What's your name?"

"Scott" they walked into the hall getting into the line for food.

"First or second year? Wait don't tell me second" Taylor smiled

"First" Scott corrected.

"And you already know your way around? Maybe you can give me your number and I can text you if I get lost" Taylor obviously flirted, to Scotts oblivion.

"I didn't bring my phone" Scott said nonchalantly

"That's okay" Taylor took a pen out of his bag and grabbed Scott's arm making Scott pull it back

"Don't touch me!" Scott shouted causing unwanted attention

"Woah chill dude I was just gonna write my number on your arm" Taylor held his hands up.

"Why not write it on paper?"

"In the movies they always write it on their arms" he looked at Scott's blank expression "never mind" he sighed taking a piece of paper from his note book and writing his number on it before giving it to Scott, who shoved it in his pocket.

"You don't talk much" Taylor squinted his eyes at Scott trying to read him

"I speak when it is necessary" He shrugged. He told the lady what he wanted x2 for Alex and said bye to Taylor before making his way back to his room.

"Finally, I thought you got lost. Take your phone next time" Alex pointed to his phone on the nightstand.

"I didn't get lost" the blonde gave Alex his tray. And sat at the desk to eat his.

"Thank you Scotty" Alex smiled talking a big mouthful of his eggs

"You're welcome"

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