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Addison's Pov:

         September 19th, 2020.
               unknown time.

I woke up in a room. But it was in no way mine. I immediately felt a sharp pain in my arm, and tried to look down to see what had happened. It was then that I noticed the room was completely darkened out. I had sat in the same darkness for a minute or so, but never realized it.

I decided on a new tactic: moving my arm up to my face, in hopes that I could make out any sign of harm on it through the darkness. There was only one problem, however. My arms were restrained behind my back with a rope. Great. "P--P--Penny?", I yelped weakly. I didn't have the strength in me to speak any louder. I was starving, as if I had gone a whole day without eating. "Penny?", I tried again, strangling and harming my vocal chords. There was still no answer. "P----"

I was cut off by a very close voice, but it was not my sister's.

This voice was cold, hollow, and deep. There was a man in the room. "Oh, Addison. No need to call your sister." He spoke harshly. I still couldn't see him. "She's in a separate room, and she's been yelling for you too. We let you sleep in this room together yesterday, but we moved her this morning around'll get to see her soon."

I was beyond terrified.

"We? Where am I? Who are you?!", I strained out.

"I, am R.J. Michaelson," he said stepping from the shadows as the light came on, blinding me. "And you are here, because your father, Philip Allen, neglected to pay his owed dues to me. We went to your house to restrain him, and bring him to our facilities...however, he was gone for some reason. So, in turn..we decided to just take you two instead."

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