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Alexis was walking in the woods after her Pokemon Go! session. her little bitch of a phone died. "god damn it this worthless piece of shit phone" She says as she tries to find her way home. alexis goes into a panic, none of her surroundings are familiar to her. she starts freaking out and trips over a branch "GOD FUCKING DAM- O W" she cries as she has hit her knee on a rock in her fall. she hears distant footsteps come up to her "yo heard you been talkin' shit" a mysterious boy said. She ran as fast as she could ,but, she couldn't run away from the strong Mary sue.  She felt a pain run through her head as she passed out. 

She woke up feeling dreary and hopeless, bound to a chair. There was no way of getting out of the chair. She then heard annoying ass voices in the distance, they were yelling at each other Alexis couldn't make out what they were saying. she heard footsteps running to the room she was in. "HELP" she screamed as she squirmed around in the chair she was tied to in hopes who ever was coming would hear and free her from her bindings.

A boy with pale skin, with a horrible carved in smile and wide blue eyes rammed into the room "oh, sweetie. If you talk shit.. you might get hurt. whats that you kept saying about me? I'm CRINGEY? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?" two others barge in and hold him back "CALM DOWN GOD DAMN IT" the one with a black mask with a red smilely face on it screamed, the one in the feminine mask seemed rather silent other than the grunting from all three of them

Alexis was struggling and yelling when a tall figure came in and dragged her chair into a different room. "worry not, we will not hurt you, you have potential" Alexis looked up at this tall man and there were no features,  just a pale white face. "how the fuck are you even talking? DON'T TOUCH ME!" she screams and he releases the chair. "DO NOT USE THAT TONE WITH ME" Alexis flinches at this booming voice. "o-okay sir" 

  "My apologies" he gets closer "you will be tied here for a few hours.. I must go do.. business.. The others will assist you with your needs here." suddenly the man disappears out of no where. Alexis knew well who these people resembled but refused to believe it. "How can i get out of thi-" Alexis' mumbles directed to herself were interrupted by a Boy with a sweater and goggles walks in "I was t-told to watch y..-you.. Alexis.. ah.. right? I..-I think that's what the ... boss said" Alexis silently nods. 

"WELP THIS IS FANTASTIC I WAS ABDUCTED BY CREEPYPASTAS, FAKE STORIES ONLINE" Alexis Yells to herself in anger. Toby starts to chuckle. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY TOBY IF YOU REALLY ARE HIM" Alexis followed his snickers with. "'"Toby stutters in response to what she said. "HEY MASKY OR TIM YOU KILLED THEM ALL HOW DO YOU FEEL" Alexis shouts to get a response from Masky. Masky then response with " What? What do you mean they're dead..WHO ARE YOU?!" He says forcibly. " MY NAME IS ALEXIS " Alexis said as Masky started to remember "Alexis Alexis....Alex Allexx n-n-NO THIS ISN'T GONNA CHANGE ANYTHING ALEX!"Tim starts bawling and chanting "It's never gonna stop" he also started scratching walls like a cat. Hoodie tries to comfort Masky. "STOP GIVING PEOPLE VIETNAM FLASHBACKS! ALEXIS FIRST YOU MAKE FUN OF US AND NOW YOU'RE TRIGGERING US, WHY CAN'T I KILL YOU"said Jeff threateningly. " YES I AM AND IT'S WORKING SO SHUT THE FUCK UP " Alexis said and immediately after saying that Jeff slapped her in the face." Maybe you should shut up your giving me a migraine"said Jeff while Alexis started to fake cry. Toby tried to comfort her. Alexis kicked Toby in the balls and she stopped fake crying but Toby started to cry for real. " Alexis you asked for it" Jeff pulled out his phone and played Jacob Saggytits as loud as possible. Jeff put his phone on a table and walked out of the room. Alexis felt a sharp pain in her neck and passed out.

'uugh..." alexis slowly opens her eyes, "what type of dream was..- fuck." she exclaimed as her vision cleared to see a blue masked man sitting across the room from her "so you're awake?" Alexis sighs "no shit.." Alexis hesitated and said "how are all of you even.. this is a dream. eyeless jack isn't real! none of you are!!" The boy sighs "I took you out of there so you would shut up.. I liked you better when you were asleep." he says, Alexis mouth gaped open, she was a bit offended "EXCUSE ME?" Alexis yells out. The boy flips out a scalpel and Alexis starts yelling. he gets closer and closer but instead of cutting her he cuts the ropes. "I don't care what you do.. but if anyone asks I didn't untie you.. go be annoying somewhere else."Alexis is starting to regain hope "Thank you very much! I'm sorry for yelling!" she exclaimed while running out of the room."She noticed that she never really knew where she was. Alexis assumed she was in an abandoned mental hospital from how the rooms were placed kinda looked like the one in Marble Hornets. She finds a familiar room and walks in. She hears some running in the hall and quickly she hides in another room. Maybe I could take a picture of the creepypastas and send it to my friends and ask for help thought Alexis. "Ugh work you stupid ass phone" right after she said that the phone started to work but something was different she couldn't swipe left to access her home screen. All she can see on the screen is the room number 115 and "You shouldn't have done that." Alexis walks into room 115 slowly. She opened the door to reveal the dank room. 

"Hello?" she nervously calls out, almost instantly a chair slowly turns around to reveal a boy in his late teens with blonde hair in a .. Link costume? Alexis knew who this was and just sighed in disappointment. "So! your phone... I'll charge it for a price!" Ben said "What is it Jesus fucking Christ" she sighed "A kiss.. heh" he replies with a smirk "Are you fucking serious? hell no. if its just gonna die again that's not worth shi-" "I could fix that. It won't die! ever." he interrupts "Well I mean shit if its JUST a kiss in that case sure."  Alexis sighs and gets closer "and this is only for THIS this will NOT be a thing, okay?" she says "sure, babe. Whatever you say" he smirks and Alexis gives him a quick peck on the lips. "hey, hey now. I wanted a kiss not a slight brush. At least gotta be 5 seconds long"  Alexis sighs and kisses Ben, counting in her head 5 seconds and as soon as it was up she rapidly pulls away as if her entire existence depended on it. "Phone. Charge. Now." Alexis says obviously annoyed. "Okay, hand over the goods and I'll get 'cookin." She then looks at the door out of boredom and notices the others were recording her kiss Ben."s-s-s-s-sorryyyy" says Toby. 

"fucking delete it now!" Alexis exclaims "why dear? hahaha!" A literal black and white clown yelled. he looks like hes from some 50's show. "BECAUSE I FUCKING SAID SO!" She yells in anger, Jeff steps in "oh, you needy bitch YOU'RE NOT IN CONTROL HERE! and how did you even manage to get out?" he asks "..I just did." She said with a smirk. she felt something from behind her hit her hard in the back of the head, before she could turn around she passed out.

Alexis X SO MANY CREEPYPASTASWhere stories live. Discover now