A Ring part 2

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"....what? This ring?," I hold up my left hand, "What do you mean it's your ring? I've had this ring for years. And another thing, who are you exactly? And how'd you know where to find me? You can't be real."

"I know you've had it for years because I gave it to you. You don't remember that because your memory is just starting to come back, which was how I found you. Everything will all be explained in time, but as for now, I am Killian; your fiancé."

"My 'fiancé'? What? I'm barely in my twenties and I may already be engaged to someone? This isn't making any sense. When did you propose to me and how long have we been together?"

"It's a long story, but I proposed 3 years ago. Months before your accident."

"Wait, how do you know about my accident?"

"All in good time my love. I'm here because I have been waiting to bring you back to our life, ever since your accident. Now, because of the fact that you woke up from your coma not remembering anything from our past except everything before I stepped in; your mother would not allow me near you. Partially because she never liked me and because she thought it would be overwhelming if I showed up after you got out of the coma and said 'hello my fiancée glad to see you're up, now let's get back on the road'. You see, she was scared you would have been too frightened and might have caused yourself to go back into a coma if I rushed you too quickly. As for your ring, I had an enchantment put in it that alerted me of your memories returning so that I could come back and explain everything and be with you and at some point -when you're ready- marry you."

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