Good Morning, Sunshine

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It was hard to open my eyes. I heard beeping behind me, steady beeping. I felt my heartbeat, I was alive. My mouth felt like sandpaper, my head throbbed, my body felt so weak. I blinked a few times and realized I was in a hospital bed. My stomach was bandaged completely, along with my arms. I looked to my left, there was a wall, a small table with some black roses and a notecard. I saw that it read "To my lovely niece." There were a few other cards there that had my name on them. There was a door in the wall in front of my bed. I looked to my right, I saw a few wires that led to the machines behind me. And then I saw Dark, sitting in a chair with tears falling down his cheeks.

"Puddin?" I croaked out. His head snapped in my direction. He rushed to my bedside and took my hand in his. "(Y/n)! Oh thank Lucifer you're awake." His free hand ran through his hair as he smiled. "How long was I out?" I asked. "Three days. Three very long, agonizing days. I thought I lost you.." he trailed off. "Well I'm here. We're safe here," I reassured him. And to be honest, I did feel safe here.

A nurse came in the room, "Oh you're awake! Someone tell Lucifer his daughter's awake," she said down the hall. "(Y/n), is it?" I nodded. "You're going to be just fine, sweetheart. The burns have healed up and your cuts are looking nearly perfect. The only thing I'd worry about for now are the few stab wounds you have to your abdomen." I remembered the immense pain Uriel had done to me, I remembered how slowly he stuck that angel blade into me. My breathing hitched, "O-okay. How long do I have to stay here?" "I'd say a few more days and you'll be good to go. Just take it easy, don't stress yourself too much or your wounds could reopen. I'll be back to check on you later. Sit tight, love." She left the room after that.

"Hey some people brought things for you," Dark said, walking around my bed to the table with the flowers and cards. I opened the one that said "To my lovely niece," first.

I greatly apologize for everything Ezekiel and Uriel put you through. That's no way for angels to act, especially towards one of the royal family. I heard you're recovering nicely, I'm glad to hear. It was probably better for you to run off rather than have me take you Downstairs. You haven't changed much since you were a kid. Hope to see you again, preferably when you're in good health. Stay safe, kiddo.
Uncle Gabriel

I smiled. I didn't know anyone in Heaven was nice like that. My Uncle Gabe seems pretty cool. I opened up a card that just had my name written on it.

Listen, I'm really sorry for being a dick to you and Dark. That was immature on my end and I shouldn't let my feelings get the best of me. I'm also sorry for telling you what you are instead of your father. If it weren't for my dicketry, you wouldn't be in this mess. I hope you recover well, and maybe we can try again sometime and be friends. Glad to hear you're okay though,
Anti x

Wow. Who knew he had it in him. There was one left, I opened it.

I'm terribly sorry to hear what Uriel and Ezekiel did to you. Heaven never meant to hurt you. I hope you recover well and I hope I get to see you soon.

I burned that card. I watched the ashes dissipate into the air. "Who was that from?" Dark asked. "God," I said, "my fucking grandfather." The door opened.

"There's my little girl," Lucifer said as he came in. "Glad to see you're doing okay, sweetheart. Just know you're safe here, and you're welcome to stay as long as y-" "Dad I want to stay," I interrupted. He looked a bit shocked. "For good," I added. He smiled, looking proud and happy, "I'm glad to hear it. You will always be safe here." He leaned down and whispered into my ear, "I've gotten to know your boyfriend a lot. I approve, he's a good one." I smiled, "Thanks Dad." "I'll go make sure your room and everything is set up nicely for your return home." He walked to the door. Before he left, he turned around and said, "It's great to have you back, my Princess of Hell."

I looked up at Dark and smiled. "What?" he asked. I raised the palm of my hand up a bit, a heart of fire shooting out of it. This one stayed longer than my other fire creations. He smiled down at me, that same admiration glowing in his eyes.

I thought back to the things I thought before Uncle Gabe showed up. I remembered everything I thought about Dark, about how I would've been okay to die because he would've been safe, about every moment we shared. And I had just now realized, with a clear mind, with a clear conscious, with a clear understanding, I knew what he meant.

"Dark," I said, "I love you."

For Better Or Worse (Darkiplier x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now