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Lance looked down at Keith, and stared.
He's so cute when he's sleeping.
Lance wanted to cuddle with Keith, but he still had things to do, just not Keith sadly,
Lance shifted, holding Keith's head  as he slid his body from their position. Lance picked Keith up bridal style, putting him on his bed, since he was too lazy to bring him to his own room.
Lance looked over Keith's peaceful sleeping face. Lance smiled and chuckled, then picked up his blanket, putting it on Keith. Then left.
Lance walked to the bathroom, all the while thinking of Keith. He was a good guy, he just didn't show it. Keith acted tough, but was really fragile.
Lance opened the bathroom door, walked up to the mirror. He looked at himself for a while, trying to imagine himself and Keith getting together. He knew it was wrong, his last fiancé cheated on him for another guy. He was afraid Keith would do the same.
Lance splashed some water on his face to make him feel better, it helped a little bit. He turned around to use the toilet.

Le time skeep*

Keith woke up an hour later, somewhat expecting Lance to be there. Keith shook his head and sat up.
Did Lance put me here?
He blushed at the thought. He pushed the blanket aside, getting up.
He walked to the door, it slid open. He poked his head out, looking for a certain someone. He walked out looking around. He walked down the hall, into the fighting area. No sign of Lance. He walked to the dinning hall, the kitchen, the bathrooms. Still no Lance.
He was a bit frustrated.
"Lance! Where are you?"
He walked to Lance's room.
"Lance?" He looked around the room.
Suddenly, a pair of hands snaked around Keith's waist from behind.
In response, Keith yelped and flipped the idiot from behind to the floor. Keith suddenly noticed that smooth, tan skin, ruffled brown hair, and pathetic pout, was Lance. He sighed.
"Lance, don't sneak up on me like that, you could've been killed!"
Lance chuckled.
"Hah, you wouldn't kill one of the loveliest people alive, would you~?"
Keith blushed, thinking yes, but just said, "I would kill the loveliest person alive to be honest, and guess what, you're still alive. "
Lance pouted his cute pout again, getting up. Keith just stood, thinking about what he wanted to ask Lance. Oh yeah.
"Umm, did you put me in your bed when I fell asleep?"
"Well, I wouldn't just leave you on the floor, you'd be sore the next morning." Lance smiled.
Keith looked away and blushed again.
"W-well... Thanks, and sorry, heheh."
"Nah, that's fine dude. But you sure do like to cuddle~."
Keith blushed dark red, pushing Lance and glaring at him.
"Hah, I'm kidding, you slept for half the day, and I was busy with other issues."
Keith still glared at Lance, but softened his gaze.
"Let's go do something other than argue."
Lance nodded.
The two dorks spent the rest of the day training, playing an actual game of Uno, pranking Hunk and Pidge. Note that you should never EVER, prank Pidge. Yeesh.
The two waved each other off as they got to their rooms. It was already almost midnight, damn.
Time flies by when you have fun.
Lance and Keith will admit, they like each other alright.

IM SO SORRY! I thought I had the rest of this chapter updated when I published this chapter! Sorry if you were confused, I was too when I saw that "cliffhanger". Wattpad has been a bitch lately, so sorry about that. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter after I made it better, I think.
Thanks fer reading! (^o^)/

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