"HARRY!!!!!!!!" #3

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Hey ok so I wrote a long one for u guys hope u like it hope u like!!

Words: 1275


*Draco's POV*

"HARRY!!!!" I scream as I shoot down to him....

__WAIT HOLD UP!!!!! I'm going to be a mean person and let's go to the beginning of the day__

- 15 hours before -

*Still Draco's POV*

I walked about the hall of hogworts, with my minions on either side of me. It was just after breakfest when I saw him, Harry Potter, Golden Boy, The Boy-Who-Lived. I would never admit it but I had the biggest crush on him I just want to.... SMACK.

"Oof!" I heard I open my eyes, I didn't even know they were closed. I look at the position we were in. I was in top of him and really, REALLY close to his face.

"MALFOY GET OFF ME!!!" he screamed, may I say, IN MY GOD DAMN EAR! I got off him and before I could do it say anything, I almost fell backwards but one of my minions caught me before I could. As I tried standing up, crabble and goyal picked me up and walked me away! I looked behind me to see a very confused look in, thouse beautiful forest green- I mean in Harry- POTTER's eyes.

They put me down in the Slytherin comman room. That's when I started out bursting.

"WHAT THE HELL DID U DO THAT FOR!! *all the lights smash breaking* WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!!!!"

"Draco," Crabble said very calmly "U need to calm dow-"


"DRACO YOUR GOING TO PASS OUT YOUR MAGIC IS GOING OUT OF HAND CALM THE HELL DOWN!!!!!!" Goyal screamed at me. It made me cring a little, I have never seen him yell at me before.

I try calming down but my breathing is really shaky and......


As I start to wake up I look around and see my minions, blaize and.... Ugh pansy

"BABE are u ok? What hurts? What can I do? Madam-!!" pansy yells in my God damn ear, and my head hurts but so does my whole body so... Ya.

"Pansy, 1: don't call me babe, 2: I'm fine, 3: my whole body hurts but now my head bc u yelled, 4: u can help by GETTING OUT!!!!" After I said that Pumpfrey starts walking over- ....... Wait why am I in the hospital wing!!

"Ah Mr. Malfoy your awake, all Mr. Malfoy's friends please leave." all my people leave and she start looking me over. When she's done I ask my question.

"What happened and why am I here." I demand.

( A/N I'm going back and forth with Pumpfrey and draco )

"Mr. Malfoy your friends brought u here a little after breakfast said something was wrong with your magic and it was going wacky, they also said u pasted out so I fixed u up and know your here."

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