Dentist #1

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This is my first Drarry one shot I really hope u guys like it

Word Count: 684

*Harry's POV*

After Draco and I were done eating our pancakes I made, I got my Slytherin a green apple. Its his favorite ( DRAPPLE 😂😂 ).
"Here u go my dragon, a green apple." I say to the blonde haired man sitting next to me.
"Thanks Loin!" he says kissing my cheek, making me blush a shy shade of pink.

*Draco's POV*


I take a bite into my green apple I yelpt in pain and held my mouth.
"Draco are u ok?!" Harry yelled rapping his arms around my waist as I stand up.

"Oww!" I pout. He looks at me worried.

*Harry's POV*

I look at him worried, he's holding his mouth, with tears in his beautiful grey-ish-blue orbs.
"Where does it hurt baby." I ask.

"If I tell u, will u kiss it better"

"Ok course dragon. Where does it hurt?"

"My lips," he says pointing to his mouth, "now kiss it better!!"

"If that makes it better." I lean in and kiss him passionately pushing him lightly against the wall. He swips his tongue across my bottom lip and I tease him. I let him in for about 1 second and then pull away.

"Tease." he mutters under his breath. I laugh and he glares at me which makes me laugh harder.

"Baby where does it really hurt." I ask. He turns away from me crossing his arms.

"Come on tell me-eeeee!!!" I say longing out the 'e'. He turns back around and looks me right in the eyes and tells me that his tooth is aching and I new he never as a child went to the dentist and I know his father always knew that spell ummmmmm what is that dang spell!! Whatever I'll just bring him to the dentist I thought.
"Draco I need to bring u to a muggle pl-" I was cut of...

"NO MUGGLE SHIT JUST MAGIC!!!!!" he yelled, I wasn't that surprised bc I know he doesn't like May I quote 'Muggle Shit'.

"Dragon I don't know the spell for teeth I'm sorry babe, but we are going to the dentist!"


"No. Come in the car Dragon let's go." I grab is hand and pull him out of our house and to the car.

-After dentist in the car-

"Draco it was only 2 needles please stop crying."

"B-but n-needles scare me!" he started sobing when we pulled in the drive way of our shared house.

"Dragon what's wrong?" I know there is nothing wrong bc when we were in the Dentist he started going crazy bc he saw the needle, they had to put him on this gas thingy. It makes him calm but then his emotions go wakky.
"I DONT K-KNOW!!! Harry, please help me. WHAT ARE U NOT GOING TO HELP ME U BITCH!! *starts crying* I d-dont know why I s-said that I-I'm so s-sorry." I look at him while he puts his head in his hands crying his eyes out bc he called me a bitch.

"Dragon, it's ok, please don't cry. Let's get u inside and we can cuddle." I said and he looked up to me with tears in his eyes and one escaped. I quickly wiped it away and kissed his cheek. He looked up to me.


- Inside -

I took Draco to our room and layed him down. I then crawled in next to him. He looked at me and I kissed him gently. I put an arm around him and pulled him close to me so he was laying on my chest.

After about a minute I heard his soft snores, smiling to myself I closed my eyes.

But before that I said, "I love you, Dragon." and kissed his head.

How did I get so lucky?


How did I do for my first ever one-shot?

Well I hope I did good!! 😋

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