I cant go on with out your love Andy six ch 6

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The cops arrived and took Stephen away.Andy started throwing glasses on the floor and punching mirrors. I embraced him trying to get his to stop. We both fell to the ground on our knees.

"Stop it, Andy.""No one can touch you like that, understand?" Andy said. "I don't want to lose you again."

I nodded. "I know,"

Andy looked at me and kissed my head. "I love you, Donna V."

"Let's get you cleaned up, you're all bloody." I said walking to the bathroom.

I got the rubbing alcohol and some bandages out of the cabinet. Andy flinched and shrieked at the stinging. I wrapped Andy's knuckles in bandages. I walked out of the bathroom to get my purse, leaving Andy sitting on the edge of the tub. Andy grabbed my arm and twirled me around, making our lips touch.

I pulled away. "What was that for?"

"It was a thank you kiss."

"Oh, well, your welcome." I smiled. "Let's get your make up off."

I wiped the make up off Andy's face in awe. I've never seen him without his make up before.When Andy opened his eyes, I was moved. The blueness in his eyes were so beautiful.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Andy asked.

"Y-you look s-so different." I stuttered.

"You don't hate it?"

"No, Andy. You're perfect." I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

"I should drop you off, your parents are probably worried." Andy said.

I agreed. I liked how Andy cared about what my parents thought, even though they've never met him. We got to my place and he walked me to my doorstep.

"Good night," Andy waved.


The entire day was crazy! I'm not put up for these kind of things, but as long as I'm with Andy...I'm fine. When I'm with Andy, I actually feel like I'm worth something.

I cant go on with out your love Andy sixWhere stories live. Discover now