I cant go on with out your love Andy six ch 5

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Stephen unbuttoned my jeans and ripped my shirt open. I kicked around hoping to hit him where it hurts. I felt Stephen kiss my neck and made his way down. He let go of my mouth for a second. This was my chance.

"Andy!" I yelled.

I heard footsteps running up the stairs. The door was kicked open and Andy swung Stephen off me. I curled up in the corner of the bed crying. I didn't deserve this. Nobody should.

"What? Come on Andy," Stephen chuckled. "You used to be one of us, remember?"

"That Andy died. I killed him." Andy spat.

"You used to get a lot of action back then. Do you remember Isabelle?" Stephen asked.

Andy covered his ears. "Stop it,"

"You raped her. Poor girl, she was only a freshman."

"Stop!" Andy yelled.

"It was all your fault. You never gave her a chance to graduate." Stephen got up off the floor.

"Please!" Andy begged.

"Andy, please stop. No!" Stephen tried recreating Isabelle's voice.

Andy was being tormented. His past hurt him deeply. He looked at me from the floor, his eyeliner was smudged and he was crying. I looked around the bed seeing that Stephen left his gun next to me. I grabbed it and got Stephen's attention.

"Fiesty," Stephen smirked. "I like that."

"Come closer and I'll shoot." I looked at Andy then to Stephen.

Stephen tackled me and got the gun. I was on the floor with a gun pointed to me. Andy got up and jumped on Stephen's back.

"Call the cops!" Andy demanded.

I did as Andy said and called the police. I turned around and saw Andy on the floor being choked by Stephen. I could almost see the light fade from Andy's eyes. I ran and kicked Stephen on the stomach. Andy gasped for air.

"Emo fags!" Stephen yelled.

"Thank you. We take that as a compliment." Andy said putting me under his arm

I cant go on with out your love Andy sixWhere stories live. Discover now