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(Sorry every1 that I haven't posted I had to get through the me and my boyfriend breaking up then getting back together agin so yea then so now to the story and this chapter yall gonna like 😆 this part is all about Hunter and Breanna)

Umm yea Hunter you can stay the night. Ok thnxs,so what do you wanna do to night. Everything Hunter.( Hunter and Breanna went into the house and straight upstairs and sat on her bed) so Hunter wanna play sexy truth or dare. Yea Bree I'm first so truth or dare. Truth. Ok is it true that u believe in were wolfs and mates. Yes it's true so what do u want to come off first. Umm ur shirt(Hunter becomes bright red.Breanna takes off shirt shows black and ink lacy bra) ok now me truth or dare. Truth. Ok Hunter are you a werewolf.umm yes so what do u want me to take off.(Breanna gasp) umm ur shirt(Hunter takes off shirt and shows his muscles and 12 pack and his scars and tribe tattoos) ok now my turn(10 minutes later they only have underwear on) ok Hunter truth or dare.dare. Hunter I dare you to turn into ur werewolf form. Ok Bree in a minute I dare you to do the same thing.ok Hunter lets go through my window.(they go out of the window and goes into the woods and turn :Hunter turns into a pure black wolf, :Breanna turns into a solide white wolf. They howl runs around then turns back then goes inside and stares at each othe) what now Hunter.idk Bree ( they hear scratches at the door) Oh SHIT BREE WHO IS THAT. Calm down Hunter its Cooper my dog.ok (sighs. Breanna lets Cooper inside her room) ok now what (Hunter gets a horny) umm Hunter you have a boner.oh OH OK You weren't supposed to see that.ok ( Breanna giggles and then she gets horny they both stare into each other's eye) Breanna? Yes Hunter. Breanna ur my mate! Oh ok( Breanna whispers in Hunter ears) "wanna mate with me" (without saying a word Hunter jumps on her they kiss Hunter puts his dick in her slowly.breanna moans) oh Hunter more more plz more.

(I had to stop it was making me very horny for that part lol 😆😆😆 so I'll be updating in a couple of days to finish the rest so see yea then.)

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