You Broke My Heart (Audrey Jensen)

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Author: Bifuriousjensen (Tumblr)

Word Count: 905

Fandom: Scream (MTV)

Warning: Blood and murder

You broke my heart! You curiously played the audio clip that had been sent to you by an unknown number. You knew you probably shouldn't trust the source because of the new killer roaming around. But the sound of Audrey's voice made you continuing listening. You broke my heart! I loved you, okay, and you broke my heart. The worst part is, you didn't even know you were doing it.

Looks like Audrey loves someone else. You've got some competition, Y/N.

Your heart sank and you felt sick to your stomach. You felt tears pulling at your eyes and you quickly wipe them away.Who? you text back. You had a feeling you already knew, but you wanted it to be confirmed. You had never been jealous or found anyone as a threat. You thought your relationship was stable and there was nothing going to get in the way. But apparently you were wrong about that.

Emma Duval

You didn't reply back, you just let your phone fall onto your bed. You didn't know what to do with the new information that you had, but you knew what you to do something. You couldn't just let this information stay with you, you would eventually burst. You just didn't know how long you could go without saying anything. Nothing would be okay.


The next day seemed to drag along very, very slowly and it was finally over. You had yet to speak to Audrey or Emma and you just brushed people off when they tried to talk to you. Regardless of who it was, you didn't want to speak to them. On top of Zoe dying, you also had to deal with Audrey being in love with someone else. Everyone was still in mourning and you couldn't imagine how Noah was feeling. You almost felt guilty that you were thinking of yourself instead of keeping Zoe in your thoughts.

You sighed as you searched your locker for the textbook for your next class. "Y/N," Audrey walked up to you as you shut your locker. You didn't say anything, instead you stuffed your book into your bag. "You okay?" She goes to grab your shoulder, but you pull away from her.

"Don't touch me!" you say a bit too loudly which causes groups of students to stare at the two of you. She looks confused, which causes you to roll your eyes and pull out your phone. You play her the clip, which makes your tear up again. "Don't fucking talk to me, Audrey Jensen. I have nothing to say to you." You leave her stunned and don't look back at her.


Audrey stood in complete shock when Y/N played the audio clip of her confessing to Emma why she had hated her. It felt like things were crashing around her, like everything was destroyed. She knew that eventually you would be brought into this, but she hoped that you wouldn't have. She always feared that it would be you next and now that you weren't talking to her, she wasn't sure if you were safe. What if the killer's plan was to get you alone so they could murder you? So many thoughts were swimming in Audrey's mind.

"Audrey?" Emma placed a hand on the shoulder of her  friend. "Are you okay?" She hadn't been around to see the scene and didn't know why her friend was standing there like a kitten that had gotten kicked. Audrey slowly shook her head and Emma pulled her into a hug. As Audrey filled Emma in on the news, her phone buzzed. But it wasn't just her phone, it seemed like everyone's phone went off at once. Audrey pulled away from her friend and stared at her phone in disbelief as the audio file played on her and everyone else's phone. "How?" Emma asked in disbelief.

Audrey shrugged and stuffed her phone back into her pocket, everyone was staring at them now. ""I don't know, but I need to find Y/N."

"I don't really think that's a good idea right now."

"What else am I supposed to do?" Audrey snapped. She couldn't believe her friend wasn't on the same page as her and would suggest that she stayed away from her girlfriend. "I need to make things right before it's too late."

"Fine, just stay safe and be careful."

Audrey nodded before running off to find her girlfriend. Her phone began to ring and while she looked for Y/N, she held her phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Hello, Audrey," the creepy voice rang in her ear.

"What do you want?"

"Now, now. Its no fun to just tell you what I want, you gotta work for it. Did you like my little gift?"

"I wouldn't call it a gift. Where's Y/N?"

"Why don't you check your hospitalized teacher's classroom." The line went dead.

"Fuck," Audrey stuffed her phone back into her pocket and hurried her pace. "Y/N!" The hallways seemed cleared now, everyone going home for the day. "Y/N!" she repeated desperately. She turned the knob of Ms. Lang's room, terrified of what she might see.

The scene before her made her fall to her knees. "Y/N," Audrey whispered, tears ran down her face. "Y/N!" There laid her girlfriend, a knife in her back and in a pool of her own blood. "Y/N!" Audrey yelled at the top of her lungs. She crawled over to her dead girlfriend and held her tight. "I'm so sorry. S-so so sorry." She rocked back and forth and she held her tightly in her arms.

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