Wow, You're Pretty Good At Lying (Bucky Barnes)

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Author: Allofmyimagination (Tumblr)

Word Count: 1070

Fandom: Marvel

You were sitting in the kitchen of the Avenger's tower watching the news when a clip of Bucky was being played. At first you thought nothing of it; Bucky was a trained assassin from the 40′s, so there was bound to be news. But when you turned on the volume, you heard what they had to say about him.

"... A danger to our city, and to our nation..." One of the reporters chimed in, their voice hard and bitter. "He can't be let out onto the streets, and he definitely can't be put on a team of superheroes to help us when he's done so much to hurt us." Your jaw slacked slightly, and you cursed quietly under your breath. How would she know? She'd never met him. Never seen how amazing he can be. You angrily turned the TV off, ripping the cord out of the outlet. Maybe you were overreacting, but you couldn't help it. Bucky was your boyfriend, and you just couldn't listen to that reporter anymore.

You were usually never bothered by what news stations had to say about you or your friends, but when it came to your boyfriend you weren't just going to listen to them, to let them get to you. You sat there, glaring at the TV for a moment, analyzing what the reporter had said.

"What right does she have to talk about him like that? She's never been out there fighting... She didn't go through the pain he did..." You grumbled under your breath, still glaring daggers into the TV.

"Hey, kid, Steve and Natasha are... You okay?" Tony walked into the room stopping in his tracks when he saw you staring at the black screen.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine." You say, snapping out of your daze. "Just stupid news reporters." You sighed, and Tony nodded. "What were you going to say?"

"Steve and Natasha think we have a mission, they're briefing it now." He answered. You nod and head to the glass elevator, taking in the scenery outside as you traveled to the conference room 2 floors up.

"(Y/N)!" Wanda yelled, getting your attention before the glass doors had even separated. You stepped out with a smile on your face as she brought you into a hug. "I missed you!" She beamed.

"I missed you too, Wanda. What's up?" You replied, looking from her to Natasha, Steve, and Clint, all sat at the table. You hadn't seen Wanda for 3 weeks after she went on an undercover mission in Boston, but now you finally got to see your best friend again.

"Well, there's this guy we think might be taking hostages at the subway tomorrow. He's not very strong, so taking him down will be easy, if it's a real mission." Wanda told you, her expression growing serious as she walked you to the table. You opened one of the manila folders, reading the file. You skimmed over his details and sighed.

"Since this says he was talking about striking tomorrow night, the most logical thing to do is to go to the subway about an hour before night falls and stake it out. We could take shifts, if they would help make us more discreet." You informed them, earning an overall agreement. "Has anyone seen Bucky, by the way?" you asked, remembering you hadn't seen him since he went out on a mission yesterday afternoon.

"No, you haven't?" Natasha asked, tilting her head at you. You shook your head and she furrowed her brows. "He should've been back by now. I'll go check the security footage."  She sighed, getting up to leave.

"Thanks Nat!" You called. "I'm gonna go look for him."

You walked past the room you and Bucky shared, thinking he would've greeted you before he went to your room. You were going to keep walking when you noticed the door cracked. Your mind instantly went to the worst possible scenario, and you grabbed the knife you kept in your back pocket. It was small, but it was certainly useful.

You checked the corners as you stepped in, slowly walking to your bedroom. As you peeked around the corner you saw Bucky sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes glued to the TV. You walked in and looked at what he was watching. What show could be so intriguing that he wouldn't have come looking for you as soon as he got back?

When you saw the channel from earlier, you thought nothing of it, until you saw the news caster who had said all those things about Bucky. Then everything fell into place.

"Buck? Sweetie?" You asked innocently, putting your knife on the bedside table and going to sit next to him. He looked at you, just now realizing you had entered the room. He gave you a sad smile and you couldn't help but feel a little guilt for not looking for him sooner. "You okay babe?"

"Fine. Just a little tired." He sighed, flicking the TV off and avoiding your eyes. "That mission was grueling." He chuckled. Now, had you been anyone else, besides maybe Steve, you would've believed him. But you were his girlfriend, and you knew him better than anyone.

"Wow," You sighed, wondering how someone as great as Bucky could ever be brought down by some stupid reporter. "You're pretty good at lying... But not good enough." You said, making him look up at you. "You can tell me Bucky."

He sighed and nodded, and you placed a reassuring hand on his knee. "That reporter... She's right. I'm dangerous. I shouldn't be here, (Y/N).. I should be locked up somewhere where I can never do anybody any harm ever again." Your eyes softened, and you brought him into a hug, shifting so you were both laying down on the bed.

"I can tell you, for a fact, that that reporter is just scared she won't have any more news to report if she moves on from you." You joked, making him smile a little. "But seriously, Bucky, you're awesome, and I no one can tell me otherwise. And yeah, you're a little dangerous, but so am I. So is a random kid who's under too much stress. Everyone can be dangerous, Bucky, but that doesn't mean you have to be." You assured him, making him smile. You pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, then spent the rest of the day cuddling in a comfortable silence.

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