Part; 3

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My head my spinning.

And when I mean spinning I really do mean spinning.
Your probably asking; how in the world did you manage that Lynn? Well to be honest you see I don't know, slow, low, joe, snow. Ha, that rhymed.

After kicking ass in two games a beer pong I'm officially proud of myself. I'm actually letting lose tonight. No ex boyfriends in sight. Just me, Emily and Liam. After stumbling Across the beach by my self with my stupid ass beach chair. I finally made it to the shore line.

Just hearing the water crash and build back up again was the most relaxing sound. I sunk into my chair. Smiling like an idiot. I don't know why I was smiling. Maybe I was thinking about whales. Awe whales, tails, sails. What, no Lynn stop seriously.

I was completely thrown out of my thoughts as I heard the sound of feet walking up from be hind me. "Hey cutie? Why aren't you enjoying the party?, what's a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself?"
Holy shit, why does this damn boy have to ask so many questions in one sentence. I turned around to see who this cheeky bastard was, as my eyes caught the person standing in front of me, with a smirk plastered on his face   . Jake the snake. (Just kidding his last name isn't snake but it just rhymed) what's with me in rhyming tonight? Pffff, I don't know. But anyways The most handsome boy I've seen in my entire life was standing. Right there in front of me. I swear I nearly hit the floor. I mean sand.

"Are you going to talk? Or just keep standing there checking me out?" I stood in silence. How's this boy so, ugh. "I wasn't checking you out. I had something in my eye and I was afraid to move it." I simply answered, moving my hands on my hips. Seconds later I want to take those damn words back. Hell yeah I was checking him out. But I don't want to admit it. "Ahh don't stress yourself princess, your not really "my type" anyways" he let out a laugh.


Stupid fuck.

Stupid idiot.

Haha guess what you little whale your not my type anyways either.
Ha again, he's anyone's type what am I saying? But the funniest part was? It didn't hurt my feelings at all. Not one bit. Maybe a little bit but I'm not letting him see the effect he already has on me. Too many stupid boy fucks in this world. You know what I mean? They constantly want to play you, over and over. But you know what Jake? That shit don't work with me. A big round of apologize to myself because if if was any other girl in my spot right now. They would be climbing him like a tree.

Anger rushed through me. "Oh right because your type includes girls who don't know how to control them selfs, wear basically just underwear and bra in public, and who apply so much makeup that they look like they smashed a birthday cake all over their face before they leave the house. So no I'm not your type. I would rather not be your type if those are the types of girls you enjoy" I finished, catching my breath. Damn talking is a lot of work.

"Your cute" he winked "maybe you are my type"

What? No. Not todayyyy. "Not interested, Ryder." Ohh so that was his last name. I don't know why I just thought of that. It just kinda came to mind.

"See you around, white" and with that he smirked and winked once again and made his way back over to his group of friends. Thank god he left. Wait, now that he's actually gone, did I really want him to leave?
Maybe it's the Alcohol talking, maybe not.

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