•𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖄𝖔𝖚.

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As we've planned, we decided to meet at the park near my house at 11. The clock pointed to 11 but Jungkook is not here yet. I keep looking around in case he doesn't see me standing here. "(Y/n)-a! Sorry I'm late" his voice cracks from running "Nah its alright" I smile a bit "I'm really sorry, I had to do something for my mom first" "Yeah yeah its okay Lets go. Where do you wanna go?" I ask and start walking. "You'll see hehe" he said. We've been walking for an hour and my leg starts to feel numb "Jungkook-a, where are we going exactly?" He giggles and says "Here we are" I look up and see a hair salon "What? Why are we here?" "(Y/n) I want to give you a make over, I wanna make you feel confident, even though I already know you're beautiful the way you are. Would you let me do it?" He ask "Yeah.. Sure.. No problem" I nod hesitantly. He dragged me in and a man shows up "Hyung, I want you to re-style her hair" Jungkook said to him like he already knew him for a long time. "OK Jungkook-a. Let me see" he examines my face, my hair, he touches my hair "Your hair is not bad, its healthy, the style is the one that's a bit, you know, odd. It doesn't suit your face. Come over here and let me change you" he said and instructed me to follow him "Take care of her Hyung!" "Sure!" He started by spraying water on my hair, when it started to get wet he starts cutting. I keep closing my eyes the whole time afraid to see "Here you go. Open your eyes" he smiles, I look at my self in the mirror and I'm stunned. My dull ugly hair, had been transformed into this gorgeous hair. It was just plain long black hair with sided bangs, but now, its a wavy long brown hair and slight front bangs. "Oh my god, is this me?" l said in disbelief. "Hyung how was it?" Jungkook approached me, and looks at me but stays silent for a while "How is it?" The hairstylist Hyung poked him "Oh... Yeah.. Its really good. It really suits her" "Really? Is it really good for me?" I ask smiling wide "Yes, you're beautiful" he said laying his hand on my shoulder I smile wide from ear to ear. "Thanks Hyung! I owe you!" He shouts to the Hyung after we pay and go out. "Thank you Jungkook" I look down while smiling "No need to. Its what friends are for. Helping when one needs help." He put his hand on my hair and strokes it slightly "So, where are we going now?" He looked at me smiling "Makeup store" I widened my eyes "What? No no no. I don't look good with makeup either, lets go somewhere else." I panic, "No, you'll look good, I've booked a makeup specialist, you can learn from her whats good and whats bad, so you will know how to use a proper makeup. Okay?" He smiled "Jungkook-a you don't have to do this for me you spent a lot of money for this. I don't deserve it." He stops and turns me to face him "(y/n) don't you know how much my heart hurts seeing you hate yourself? I hate seeing people I care about treated like that. I want you to be stronger. I want to help you. Just let me do everything to help you. Either you will take every tip from them or you will just forget it, its all up to you. Later. For now, lets have fun Okay sweetie?" "Why do you care about me? You barely know me" I look away "You don't have to know everything about a person for you to care. Am I right or wrong?" I pause and think, well, what he said is true "Yeah" I nod slightly "Lets go then!" He holds my hand, I was a bit shocked but I hold his hand back. We reached the place, we meet with the specialist and I get in with her. She teaches me a lot of lesson I never knew before I really enjoyed the time.

𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I book her the best specialist I could get. She got in with her and I waited outside. I feel so hungry and I decide to go and find some snacks for her and for me. But then I bump into someone. "Oh, Jungkook-a! Long time no see" I look at that person and see her "oh..hm. Long time no see Sera-a" she hugs me tight, I hug her back slightly "How are you doing?" She ask "Yeah I'm doing fine. How about you?" A bit awkward. "I'm great. I'll be staying in Korea permanently. My study in the U.S just finished last week and I immediately returned to Korea. So now I'll be by your side forever and always, I missed you so much" she tried to kiss me suddenly, I widened my eyes and cover my lips with the back of my hand "What are you doing?" "What? You don't want it?" "We're not in a relationship anymore. Stop doing things you shouldn't do" I'm a bit mad "I'm sorry to leave you just like that, I still love you. And I know, you still love me Jungkook-a" she gets closer to me but I push her away a bit "Stop, I need to go" but she held my hand "Jungkook-a. Don't lie to yourself. I know you still love me" I look at her and nod "Yeah, I loved you." I can see her stunned when I go. Yeah, it was a long time ago. Its time to forget.


"Jungkook-a!!!!" Sera ran to me and hugged me tight "What is it" I laughed at her and hug her back tight. We've been dating since the second year of junior high school. Yeah I know we're a bit too young to start a relationship. But what can we do we love each other, and besides we were friends since we were kids. "My mom and dad will be sent to the U.S and I'm going with them. I'm gonna finish my high school there." She said with a wide smile "What? So.. You'll be staying there?" "Yeah.." We both stayed silent. "And..I'm sorry to say, but, I think we need to break up Jungkook. I don't think a long distance relationship will be easy to maintain." She said looking down "We can deal with it." I hold her hand and beg her "No Jungkook. I don't think we can. And.. Besides, its in the U.S, I don't think its easy, when its night there, its morning here in Korea, I can't stay till midnight to wait for your call and message, and you also have to go to school. Besides, we need to focus on our study, we're about to be a high schooler" she said like its something that simple. She didn't even think about my feelings "Okay. Whatever you say" I left her. It was the day for her to go, but I didn't come. And that was the last time I saw her.


I'm finished with my private consultation with the makeup specialist. I'm out but I cant find Jungkook anywhere, so I just wait there scrolling through my phone "(Y/n)-a!" He ran to me with things in his hand "What is that?" He gave it to me and I take it from his hand "What is this? Bread? You're hungry?" I look at him feeling bad "Yeah you might be hungry, so I bought something to eat" I look at him smiling "Let's go eat, its on me" I said. We go to the traditional Korean cuisine restaurant and sit down. "What do you want to eat?" I ask, but I see that his mind is not on the right place, he just sat there and daydreamed "Jungkook-a? Are you okay?" I ask in a quiet voice while examining his face, he looked at me slowly and smiled a bit, not like always, his smile this time is forced, and sad. "What happened?" I look at him "No, Its nothing, its okay. I'm sorry" "Okay, if something really bothers you, you can tell me I'm here for you. You've done so much for me I should do everything I could for you. Hm?" I smile a bit "Yeah, sure. Thank you. You look beautiful right now. I'm serious." He smiled a bit at me ''Thank you. Now, lets order something you want to eat, eat a lot and grow taller" I giggle. We finish eating and end our day with him accompanying me to my house. "Thank you so much for today, you've done so much for me. I don't know how could I repay you Jungkook-a. I will use what I got today, thanks again" I thank him, I really do. "See you Monday, be careful on your way back, bye" I said, when I'm about to go inside he grabs my hand and pulls me, I fall on to his chest and he held me tight, I'm so shocked and couldn't move "J-Jungkook-a"

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