•𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉.

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"JEON JUNGKOOK" I shout calling out Jungkook "WHYY?!!! WHAT HAPPENED???" He comes to me running "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY TEXT BOOK?" I show him the text book he doodled on "Hehehe I was boooored I'm sorry~" he says holding my hand and swing it "BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO DOODLE ON IT!! Now how am I suppose to read the text??" I pinch both of his cheeks hard "AAA!!!! THAT HURTS" he holds his cheeks that are now red "That's your punishment! You have to bring your book from now on!" I look away from him and put the text book that he doodled on inside my bag. "Lets go home then! Buy me an ice cream! Another punishment" I look at him while sticking out my tongue and laughing. "That's cheating! Its not faaairr" we walk out the classroom "Jungkook-a I need you to help me with something, can you come over here for a sec?" The teacher called out to Jungkook "Okay sure sir" he grabs my hand and drags me to follow him "Waaait I'll just wait for you at the gate, finish your things first with the teacher" "I wont leave you, you have to come with meee" "Im okaaayyy~ I wont go anywhere I promise I'll wait for you at the gate, okayy??" He hesitates for awhile and said yes. I go down the stairs and wait at the gate, I take out my phone and scrolled through my instagram to kill the boredom "Bitch" Someone slapped my phone and it dropped to the ground, I look up and see its Sera and the gang. "I'm sorry, I'll go" I take my phone and wanted to go, but before I could they grabbed my collar and trapped me. "Where you wanna go sweetie? To your prince charming? Oh that's not gonna happen" One of the girl said, "Today will be your last day with Jungkook. Sera appears from behind those girls, she slaps me really hard, I hold my cheek "Why did you do that? What have I done wrong to you that you're so mean to me? You even took something so precious to me" I feel tears on my eyes "You did too, you took away someone so precious to me, Jungkook" she makes a gestures with her head and eyes, the girls drag me to a quite place at the corner of the school "Where is this place?" I ask afraid "Wahhh that's a good thing she doesn't know" they a laugh. Sera pushed me and I fell to the ground, she steps on my chest and I groan "You're such an ungrateful ugly bitch! I spared you so many times yet you didn't get it. Now I'm out of my patience. Girls do it" she kicks my face and the other girls start beating me, punching me kicking me all over my body I don't know what to do I cant go against them, they're too strong and I'm out numbered, all I can do is just lay there being beaten up and beg "Please stop, I'll do whatever you say, please stop...it hurts" I beg them while crying "Like you will, a girl like you who has an ugly brain would never understand, keep going don't stop!!!" She commands to the girls, they keep going until I cant even move a finger, all I can do is breath hard. "THIS WILL BE YOUR LAST CHANCE! STAY AWAY FROM JUNGKOOK!! Or I'll do something even worse" she said and kicked me in the stomach for the last time, and they all go. I don't even have the strength to cry, tears just keep falling down my face, I close my eyes and collect all the strength that I have left. I feel my phone vibrated, I know its Jungkook. I let it be but it keep vibrating. I tried to stand up but the pain is overwhelming, I hold my stomach, I grab my bag and try to stand up again. As I stand I look around to see where I am, I walk and find the way out, I walk to the gate and see Jungkook there. I look down while holding my stomach in pain, Jungkook sees me and runs toward me "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?? WHO DID THIS TO YOU? SERA?!!" He yelled while looking at me worried "Look at your face, its bleeding, what has she done to you?" I can hear his voice crack and he holds me slowly, I don't have the strength to talk, but I push him with all the strength I have left. "Go" I mouth to him. I walk past him but he grabs my hand "Let me walk you home" I let go of his hand and shake my head "Go to Sera, she needs you I can go..by myself" I walk slowly but sure. But you know Jungkook, he wont leave me alone, he knew that I don't want his help so he just followed me from behind quietly. I keep tripping down but he's there to help me stand, I don't want to say anything to him. But deep inside I thank him. We reach my house, I don't look at him and just get inside, mom and dad saw me they all look so worried "What happened to you (y/n)? Who did this?!" Dad looks so mad, I smile slightly "No dad, I'm okay, I just tripped down the stairs and Jungkook helped me. That's it. No big deal. It will be okay tomorrow, I'll go upstairs" I walk to the stairs but.. "(Y/n)"....Mom called out to me but I don't wanna respond or it will be even more complicated. Once again my phone vibrated and see Jungkook's message "I'll deal with it now for good. She's crossing the line again. This is too much. Take the medicine and care for your wound, then go to sleep. I love you" I widened my eyes a little bit "Love...me?" I think for a moment, "No, he cant be" I chuckle slightly. I take a deep breath and grab the medicine box and care for my wound, I take off my uniform and change into my pajama and lay on the bed, sleep
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

"I'll wait at the park near your house as usual, meet me in 15" I texted Sera. I wait at the park and she appears "What is it?" She ask calmly and leans her back on the swing pole "What exactly do you want from me and from her? I ask and I walk close to her, she looked at me "Simple, I want you to leave her and date me again, then I wont touch her even the tip of her finger" she smiles at me I shake my head "What kind of evil possessed you? You were such a kind hearted girl you cant even hurt an ant, and why, now, you're becoming such a total different person?" "I told you, people change Jungkook" she smirks. "I'm sorry, if that's what you want, I cant. I cant be with you. If you had never done these kind of things to her, I would probably think about it once again. But, its too late, I dont want to be with a girl like you, torturing innocent people just to achieve something she wants." I shake my head "Why?! Whats different between me and her? That bitch is also torturing other people's heart and being with the person other people love!" "Does she know it? No. She's not the one who approached me first, I did. And why don't you just do this to me instead of her?" I ask, she keeps quite "Well, that's, because... I cant hurt the one I love!" "You already did. Hurting her means you're hurting me, you're hurting the one I love" she's stunned by my words "What? Love? You..love her?" I nod "Yeah, I didn't know at first but, I started to realize my feelings towards her, after what you've said you opened my eyes, that I cant care more about a friend like I care about her, then again I realize that I love her. Thank you" I smile a bit "NO!!!" She slaps me "You can slap me as much as you want, just don't lay a finger on her" she slaps me again, and again and again, I just stand there letting her slap me as much as she wants. She falls on the ground "I cant do anything about it, I give up. I'll let you go. Thanks for everything." She stands up and goes. "Sera-a! Thank you" she raises her hand up signaling you're welcome. I know I hurt her, I know she suffers because of me, I know that I turned her into something she isn't. I'm sorry, but I love (y/n), I cant lie to myself, I cant lie to my heart.
The next day I run to (y/n)'s house after school, because she didn't come. I knock on the door and (y/n)'s mom opens it for me "Jungkook-a she's upstairs" I bow and run to her room. I open it and see her playing with her phone "Jungkook-a whats wrong?" I go to her and hug her tight "I love you. I love you so much. Will you be my girlfriend?"
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I'm stunned by Jungkook's words "W-what? Are you okay?" I don't know what to say, he pulls himself away and looks at me, "Yeah, will you be my girlfriend?" He looks at me smiling, I couldn't say a word looking at him with wide eyes, I feel like tears start dwelling up my eyes "You mean it?" He nods "Yeah" "B-but.. I'm not good enough for you. I'm not as pretty as Sera, I'm not as smart as her" "Will you be my girlfriend?" He keeps smiling "Y-yes" I feel tears fall down and he hugs me tight I hug him back "I'm gonna take care of you till the very end I'm not gonna let anyone lay a finger on you even the tip of your hair. I'll make you happy" he hugs me even tighter, I nod. He pulls himself away and I feel the tears run down my face. I turn my face away from him but he turns my face towards him and kisses me. I smile and I hug him again. I feel so happy. This is the first time I've ever felt so happy my entire life. "MHM!" We both jump and see my mom and dad on the door "I think we need to make a celebration dear" mom looks at dad smiling and nods "I think so" they both left and we look at each other laughing.

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