Chapter 9

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You've been trying very hard to keep your mind from wandering to other things. The goosebumps that formed all over your skin as his fingers brushed past your skin made you feel hot and bothered more than you were before. Dean rolled up your sleeves but he had that concentrated look on his face that you just loved so much. Your eyes subconsciously drifted from his green eyes to his freckles, his nose, and down to his lips. He had a small pout on and just the moment he licked them you found yourself licking yours.

You blinked, trying to look away but failing miserably. You nibbled on your lower lip feeling your face heat up and your heart beat even faster, blood rushing through your veins. You just wanted to look away so bad but your body had a mind of its own. With his fingers teasing the sensitive skin of your arms, shivers running down your spine and his face just a few inches away from yours you were surprised how you could still keep yourself from leaning in closer to him and just kissing those lush lips of his. Chuck damn him for being so irresistible and for you-

Worry took over as you felt your heart drop. No it wasn't your own feelings you soon realized it, because his expression showed just that.

"Dean? Everything alright?" you whispered, tilting your head to the side.

"It's not there." he breathed out and you frowned more.

You followed his gaze on your wrist and then looked back up at him "Wh-what is not there Dean? Dean?" you grabbed his shoulder and shook his from his trance, his eyes jumping up to yours.

"It's- You're- You're not..." he breathed and to say he felt disappointed would be an understatement, because you didn't just see it on his face. You felt it crystal clear. He felt disappointed, broken, crushed. As if his entire world had started crumbling down, for what reason you didn't know. You could feel his heartbreak, as if someone had just stabbed him in the chest and you were connected and you could feel all of it. Or more specifically as if someone had ripped it right through his chest.

"I'm not what Dean?" you whispered, tilting your head so that you could take a better look at him. His eyes were glistening you started to realize and you took in a sharp breath at the sight.

"Dean?" you whispered, your voice breaking "Is everything alright? You know you can tell me." you slowly brought a hand up and placed it over his.

His eyes widened for a moment and his body stiffened, at that moment only realizing how close the two of you were. His eyes looked back and forth between yours before he cleared his throat and looked away "Yeah" he said in a hoarse voice "Everything's fine. No worries." he said avoiding eye-contact but definitely not managing to convince you. He turned slightly, ready to lay down and avoid talking but you stopped him.

"D" you whispered, catching how he took in a deep breath "Please." you whimpered and he closed his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath he opened them again and turned again so that he could face you fully.

He swallowed thickly, bring one hand to cup your cheek stunning almost the both of you "It's alright. Nothing to worry about sweetheart, just go to sleep." and he did something that surprised you all the more. He slowly and almost shyly leaned in and brought his lips closer and kissed your cheek, making your eyes widen and your breath hitch on your throat.

The strange feeling was back at the pit of your stomach and you pressed your thighs together at how uncomfortable you were but also all the things your entire body was feeling. The temperature had started to rise dangerously and all you wanted was to get out of your clothes... and maybe get Dean out of his too?

You wanted to shake your head furiously but your body wouldn't obey. Dean rubbed a thumb over your cheek, his lips lingering close to your other cheek a little more than they should. He let out a small sigh, his hot breath fanning over your cheek before he whispered a rough 'Goodnight' and let go of you, turning on his side and laying down to sleep.

Written on the wrist - Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now