Chapter 13

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"Are you going to stay with me or leave?"

"What do you mean?" you whispered and he shook his head, giving you a hurt yet stern look.

"I mean just what I asked. Are you staying or leaving? Simple as that." he took in a deep breathe but it came in shakily, as he tried but failed to hold himself together.

"Do you even want me to?" you breathed out, turning to face him and that caught him off guard. His back straightened and his brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" he asked back and only when you raised an eyebrow at him he realized it, and cleared his throat and looked away.

"I thought I'd made it pretty clear." he breathed out in addition, avoiding to look you in the eyes.

This was one of the most vulnerable moments he'd been through and he'd let you see it all because, even if he wouldn't admit it to himself, he was desperate. He'd never been a man of words, saying what he felt out loud, and at the moment he already (was in his own way). And that meant a lot. But looking into your eyes he knew he couldn't take it. Not only because you were practically crying but also because he knew that you being his soulmate – gosh it still sounded soforeign in his mind – could already read him better than anyone, and locking eyes would only make him more vulnerable. The feelings he never dared say out loud laying there open in front of you.

"Have you Dean?" you frowned and his head snapped in your direction "I- I mean, come on! You were trying to push me away even before I knew who you were to me!" you threw your arms in the air and he clenched his jaw, looking away.

"It's not-"

"Come on, Dean. Really?" you breathed out "I- I mean-" you breathed out a laugh that hurt like hell "You are asking me to leave my family, no matter how hard that is but- but would you?"

"Wh-what?" h narrowed his eyes for a moment and you shrugged. Of course he didn't like where this was going, because he knew you were the one absolutely right.

"Would you Dean? Leave all of this, Sam... for me? Would you just up and leave, if I asked you to without a single doubt? Would you leave to come with my, in my universe and have a life with me there?"

"I- I-"

"Come on" you spoke I a sot tone, smiling sympathetically "We both know, if the situation was reverse you- you wouldn't leave Sam. Because he's family." you shrugged "And I understand that Dean! And now- now I am being honest with you, just be honest too. I won't be mad at you, I understand but- but you can't just expect me to answer your question when you refuse to even look me in the eyes!"

"I've always been honest with you." he clenched his jaw, eyes locking as his hands fisted by his sides. He was hurt, you felt it too.

"Then be now, too. Don't deny it, you wanted to push me away so that I wouldn't get attached. You didn't tell me who you were, who I was, because you knew I'd want to give up my life for you. You tried your best to get done with the case, hell even not take it up, to find a way to send me back as soon as possible! So I am askingyou, Dean." you took in a deep breath "Do you really want me to stay?"

"I tried to push you away for your own good." he mumbled and you sighed, your eyes casting down.

"Yeah, I clearly remember that. Just like you saying she'd be better off without you, leaving a normal life away from all the pain this one has." you sighed, sitting down on the bed again; your back to him "And I told you that being with you is what could only matter. That as long as I could be enough for you then- I didn't need something else."

Written on the wrist - Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now