Chapter 21: Not Much Time Left

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Much to my dismay, it's not even six o' clock, when I'm yanked off the sofa and left to fall hard onto the floor. "Ugh, fuck off!" I wrap my arms around myself, rubbing the part of my shoulder I landed on. Jesus, that's going to leave a bruise. Vladimir curses at me, pulling me to my feet. "Up! Now!" He yanks at me again, and I resist the urge to slap him.

"Stop pulling my arm! My limbs are fragile!" I rub at my arm again. Rub it better, it'll mend. "We're going around the establishment today. I thought you might like a nice tour of the castle before you die." He smiles, cruelly. "My family will kill you first." I threaten. "Oh I'm counting on it." He smiles. "I'd love to see Marcus's face when they see me bleeding you dry." He sneers.
"Now come along," He stalks through the door and down the corridor.

Shit, maybe I don't have much time after all.
Maybe they've given up on me in Volterra. Maybe...oh no...maybe they think I've gone back to the children's home. No no no, not good.

I trail after Vladimir miserably. "On second thoughts, maybe I'll let you get some fresh air in the garden. At least your blood will taste fresher when I kill you." He decides, changing direction. "Through here," He opens a door and we're in a large garden, with beautiful flowers in all colours. High grass that somehow looks neat, the sky is blue, it's a great sunny day.

Of course the only thing that truly sucks are the tall stone walls surrounding it. Apart from the door we just came through, there's no way out. I really am trapped. "I'll leave you here for an hour, then it's time to die." He goes to leave, slamming the door shut. "The witches will be here by then! They'll burn down this castle too!" I shriek, knowing he'll hear me.

"That won't happen!" His voice is muffled from the other side of the door. I shake my head at him. Coward. Too afraid to come out here and confront me face to face.

I sit down on the grass making daisy chains, and thread more flowers onto it. It looks quite good by the time I've finished so I make more. This garden reminds me of an old home I used to live in, it had an amazing garden. When I have less than five minutes before Vladimir comes to collect me, there are screams and cries coming from the inside of the building, followed by smoke. Great, I'm going to die out here with the flowers.

The iron door opens and I run for it, sprinting faster than I knew I could. I throw myself into the building, and there stands Demetri. My knees buckle and I fall, relieved from the sight of him. "Come on, quickly, I've got you," He barely pulls me into his grasp before we're off with frightening speed. He gets me to the other side of the building, to the front door of the castle.

Outside holds a terrifying sight. Parts of the jungle are on fire. About twenty of our guards are fighting the Romanian coven, but Aro, Marcus and Caius are nowhere to be seen. Demetri runs out to fight. "Stay here!" He calls before charging into the swarm of bodies. "Oh you asshole!" I growl.

I hide behind the doorway, hoping not to be seen by any Romanians, but I didn't realise there might be more inside the castle. Vladimir grabs me from behind and drags me off down a corridor. I try fighting him off, even kicking him in the balls, which has no effect on him. "Marcus!" I scream above the noise outside. "I said was going to finish you off and I am!" He screeches, exposing my neck and sinking his teeth in me.

I let out a hoarse scream I didn't know I was capable of. An awful burning pain rushes through me, starting off warm and progresses to a excruciating white hot pain. I collapse onto the floor, screaming full out. I feel the veins come to the surface of my skin, blood pumping furiously. "Argh, oh, God, please!" I roll over, grabbing at my face with cool hands in an attempt to cool down.

Please, let me die now. Please. The venom keeps fighting it's way in. I hear nothing but my screaming, my vision has gone blurry, everything is muted. I'm vaguely aware of someone starting up a fight with Vladimir before a fire spreads where he was standing.

Things come back into focus as my body starts to shake violently, like I'm having a really bad seizure. The pain rushes through my body once again and the shaking increases. I can hear very faint voices. "Quickly, decide Marcus, do you want to let the change happen or shall I remove the venom?"

Marcus? Marcus is here? I lift my arms into the air, trying to reach him, and a hand feels my forehead. "Her temperature is too high, Marcus, decide now."
"I'll take the venom out." Marcus rolls me over so I'm on my back. My vision still won't come into focus.

His teeth sink in and I scream again. The pain is mercifully brief, but as soon as he stops, my body starts up it's violent shaking again.
"Hush, Lee, I'm here." He lays me across his lap like he's done so many times before. My body won't stop shaking. I lay there, convulsing in his arms. "It's alright. I'm going to get you out of here." He promises.

He picks me up and carries me bridal style out of the burning castle and through the field where bodies are scattered about. "Marcus....." I need to tell him what happened to Didyme.

"I.....they....Marcus....please....I can't stop's important." I clutch at him, he gently places his hand over my mouth. "No! I.....I have to tell you now.....before I die...." I trail off, my throat is starting to burn. He doesn't stop walking. His grip on me is still going strong.

"You're not going to die, sweetheart." He promises. "But I need to tell you....." I croak.
The last thing I remember is the castle in flames, and Marcus kissed me. It was a very satisfying kiss, then I blacked out.

But this time I didn't need to worry. Because Marcus was here and I was safe in his arms.

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