Chapter 34: Breaking The News To Yet To Be Parents

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After a few hours, at around ten o' clock, I head up to tower to break the news. On arrival, to my surprise and relief, both Athenadora and Caius are sitting together, talking. "Lee, good morning." Caius leads me over to the sofa, where Athenadora is smiling brightly. No doubt Caius told her about the proposal.

"So," She clasps my hands. "Did you make the right decision?" She gushes excitedly. "Well, I guess, I'm going to marry Marcus." I announce and she throws herself at me. "My God! You're getting married! Darling, it'll be brilliant, I promise. Marcus is an ideal husband." She smiles happily. "And, once the adoption is finalised, I'll be there as your mother!" She squeals.

"Alright Thena, calm down," Caius murmurs as he comes over with a glass of wine. I sip it gratefully and hold it between my thighs. "So have you planned anything?" She asks. "Thena, Lee has barely said yes and you're already expecting invitations and wedding themes? Calm down." He instructs, stroking her hair.

She turns to Caius and glares. "I am excited! Do you not understand? This is our daughter, getting married!" She looks so happy. She stands up quickly. "We have to tell William!" She decides. "Now!" She heads to the door.

"Look, Liam will still be in bed, and he won't be happy about being woken up!" I warn, but she's already halfway down the stairs, so Caius and I follow. "I'm sure he'll forgive me when he hears the great news!" She says. Really, she has no idea what Liam can be like if he's woken up. He turns into a nightmare.

By the time Caius and I get there, Athenadora is already inside his room, shouting at him to wake up. Liam, who has already grown accustomed to calling her Mum, protests feebly. "Mum! Oh my God, get out! I'm trying to sleep!" He groans. We walk in to find her bashing Liam with a pillow. "Wake up, this is wonderful news!"

"Maybe we should wait until later?" I suggest, just as Liam emerges from under the covers, sleepy eyed and angry. "What are you doing?" He groans. "Why are you here?" He asks, rubbing his eyes. Yeah, I don't think I'd want a troupe of people in my room randomly waking me up. "William, darling, wonderful news, Lee and Marcus are getting married!" She squeals.

"Married?" He groans. "Why?" He asks and Athenadora slaps his head. "Must you be so rude?" She yells. "Your sister is about to be married! Can you at least say congratulations?" She hisses. Caius steps in quickly before Athenadora can kill Liam undefended.
"There now, darling, he's half asleep. Leave him be." He strokes Liam's forehead, and surprisingly Liam lays his head on Caius's knee.

Athenadora seems to have calmed down. "Well," She huffs. "Make sure you look happy on the day of the wedding at least." She murmurs, then turns on her heel and leaves. "Mum, I love you!" Liam calls after her, but Caius hushes him by placing a delicate hand over his mouth which Liam accepts.
"It's fine, sweetheart." Caius smiles, stroking his forehead.

"She's a woman after all, they get excited over these things." Caius does a fake tut and Liam smiles. "Why are you married to her?" Liam groans and saunters off to the bathroom. "She's a different person with me. There's a special part of her that only I have seen." He retorts back. "Like, special part of her body?" Liam sticks his head through the door. "No! Is that all you ever think of?" Caius sighs and shakes his head.

"This is Liam, he's a bit of a sex God. It's all he thinks of." I tut and Liam cries out in protest. "Hey! I haven't had sex in weeks! All these vampire chicks think I'm not good enough." He huffs. "Ask Demetri, he's single." Caius smirks. Liam turns around, hands on hips. "I am NOT gay!" He groans. "I will never believe you!" Caius smiles as Liam starts putting on his eyeliner.

"I hate my parents." He huffs. "That reminds me," Caius jumps up. "We need your signatures on the adoption papers." Caius pulls them out of his cloak. "You're a vampire. Surely you don't need to go through everything like a human would." Liam yawns. "I want this to be official. For you to be my children." He strokes Liam's face before repeating the same gesture to me.

I lean into his hand and he wraps his arms around me. We sit on Liam's bed. "So, what will you be wearing?" He asks. "A suit, preferably. My body has the angles and shapes of a man so I guess a dress isn't the best idea." I shrug.

"Don't you worry, you'll look so handsome, both of you." He kisses my forehead. He hands me a pen and I sign the papers. Liam does the same. "My signature is so much more sophisticated than yours." Liam smirks.

Caius stares at him in his childishness. "Really? How old are you, William?!" Caius shakes his head at him. "Why do you call me that? I like Liam more." Liam protests. "You don't like your name, do you?" Caius asks. "No." Liam sulks. "William." Caius muses, pronouncing every syllable to piss him off. Liam throws a pillow at him.

"Naughty boy." He scolds. "Don't pillow-abuse your father." He throws one back. "Oh so it's like that!" Liam throws another one and I step forward to join in, resulting in a full on pillow fight. We protest and squabble with them for at least five minutes before Aro comes in, but stops as soon as he sees what's going on.

"Uh...Caius?" He clears his throat. "Oh, good God." Caius makes his way out of the bed covers and pillows and casually smiles at Aro, while I scowl at his entrance. "I thought I'd come by and congratulate the young lady." Aro says, while I bear my teeth in a fake smile. "Thanks." I manage to say with a bit of quiet encouraging from Caius.

"It's such good news after all this time!" He chimes. "Marcus will be so much happier. I'm very glad you decided to marry him." He smiles while I pretend to be flattered by his words. Seriously, I hate this guy.

Aro stumbles as someone pushes past him, through into the room. Demetri stands there, looking at me with tears in his eyes. "You're marrying him?" He sobs.

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