Chapter 44: The Theatre

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Marcus gives me his famous wicked grin and obediently removes his clothes, bit by bit, until he's standing naked before me once again. It takes everything in me to look away from that crowbar between his legs and he knows it. Grinning at my face, he strolls confidently into the bathroom and beckons me to follow.

The water starts to spout from the shower head. He stands underneath, and within seconds he's soaked, his hair slick against his face, making him look like some longer haired spaniel. "Aren't you going to join me?" He eyes me excitedly, voice husky. "I think I will," I smirk just as his arms reach me and I'm hauled into the shower with him.

My first instinct is to cover my crotch like I did last night, so I instantly hunt around for something to protect my modesty. I don't want him eyeing me up in the shower. I keep hunting around, ignoring Marcus's hands on my waist. Eventually, I grab the closest thing to me; a shower gel bottle, which is long and does the job. Marcus frowns at my attempt to shield my private part away from him.

He pries the bottle away from me, so instead, I miserably cross my legs. He shakes his head. "What did I tell you before, Lee?" He asks. "I told you to never cover yourself from me. I adore every part of you. And you should never be ashamed." He preaches, leaning down and kisses me. "I can't help being self conscious, Marcus." I snark, grabbing my flannel and squirting shower gel and rubbing it across my chest.

He waits until I've started washing between my legs before taking the wash cloth off me and continuing. At first, my breath hitches as he re visits that place just as he did last night. He stands behind me, his hand between my legs, washing that area gently. 

He throws the cloth to one side and continues with his bare hand.

I press my hands against the wall for support, as his fingers pleasure me once again. His fingers intrude that private place and as he presses his hips into my backside, I can feel the dreaded tree branch digging into me. He continues another second before withdrawing his hand. He grabs more shower gel and moves onto my legs before finishing off with my feet.

He washes himself quickly, much to my disappointment. He switches off the water and secures a towel each around our waists. Once we're dried off, Marcus dries me a second time to make sure there's definately no water left on my body. "I don't want you catching pneumonia." He murmurs. "Here you go." He passes my clothes over and I quickly get dressed.

At six o'clock, we're ready to go, but he still won't tell me where we're going. "It's a surprise!" He keeps reminding me throughout the car journey. "I still want to know!" I protest. "It's exciting if you don't know." He smiles. "No, it makes me anxious and that, my friend, is not a good thing."

He pulls up outside a large, grand looking building and opens my door for me. We link arms and head inside. Instantly I can see why Marcus insisted I wear smart clothes. There are tons of people inside the foyer, dressed emmaculately and looking fit enough to tea with the Queen.

"We're at the theatre," He says. "What for? Are we seeing a show?" I peer at the billboards, displaying the different plays on show. "Les Miserables." He announces. "What? Really? That's cool!" I nod. "I've only seen the film." I add. "Ah, I was hoping you'd have heard of it, but watching it is very impressive. Well done, Mrs Volturi." He smiles.

I flush with pride, then immediately feel stupid and foolish. "Come along then." We walk in together, arm in arm. Once we're seated, his arm is across the back of my seat, his hand is stroking the back of my head. The curtains rise, then lights go down, and Marcus whispers to me; "It's an amazing play. You'll enjoy it more than the film."

After two hours, the curtains fall and several people around us are sobbing with emotion. "My God, the play is so much more moving." I sigh as we head back to the car. "Yes it is." He agrees, sliding in. "It's an amazing story." He smiles.
He starts up the engine and drives to the hotel.

By the time we're ready for bed, it's already half past eleven and I'm exhausted. "Lee, come here to me." Marcus calls from the bed, arm held out. "Ok," I approach him cautiously, very aware of the devious smirk on his face. I perch on the edge of the bed and slowly peel back the covers. "Uh! Put some pants on!" Marcus is stretched out naked underneath the sheets, with that thing of his on show for me to see.

"Why should I cover myself from you when I'm relaxed with my body?" He asks, eyebrows raised. "Uh, please, put it away!" I protest, rubbing my eyes. Apart from the lower region, the rest of his body is lovely to look at. His strong, muscular shoulders and his perfectly sculpted abs. The biceps in his arms, which are firm and toned. Everything about his body makes him seem so much younger than the rest of him. His body is in such fit condition. 

"Enjoying the view?" He smirks, eyes full of delight. "No, I'm not. Put some pants on." I order, rushing to the chest of drawers and throwing a pair at him. He catches them deftly and smiles. "Oh alright then." He sulks. "I'll do it."

But he makes a huge performance of getting them on. Spreading his legs wide as he pulls them up over his hips and securing them, tugging at the waistband so it makes a sharp slap sound against his skin. I wince. "Have you quite finished?" I ask. "Cause it's very late and I want to go to bed." I snark, jumping into bed beside him. "Why don't you take off your pyjama bottoms?" He suggests.

I huff and complain but eventually I go to lay beside him wearing just my boxers and so does he.
"Goodnight, Lee. I hope you've had a good birthday." He whispers. "It's been great. It's the only birthday I've felt the need to celebrate." I mumble into his bare shoulder. "With me, every birthday will be wonderful. And trust me, Lee, your birth is definately something to celebrate. What would I do without you?"

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