Chapter 6: The Wives

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"Well well well, you must be comfortable!" I'm woken up by a cheery voice and the sound of someone opening my curtains. Bright light fills the room, burning my eyes. I shield them with my hands and pray for this person to go away. "You know, the original plan was for you to have breakfast at eight o clock, but Aro guessed you must still be sleeping." I feel the bed indent slightly, as if someone has sat down. I hear another tray on my bedside table, deja vu.

"Come on, wake up!" It sounds familiar. I open my eyes. A young man sits on my bed, with red eyes and short spiky brown hair. I recognise him from the night Felix tried killing me. The one who tried to stop him. "I'm Demetri. Tell me, are you actually a woman?" He enquires. I ignore him for a second to take a look at my breakfast. Toast and jam, with orange juice. "Uh..yeah," I start my toast. Glancing at my clock, I see it's half ten in the morning.

"Really? You're very androgynous." He observes, peering at me. "That's my aim. I like how I look." I put a scowl on my face, ready to defend myself. Years of bullying has made me used to spitting harsh words at people. He looks taken aback. "No, I meant to say I like your look. I think you're very handsome." He smiles. I look up, surprise on my face. No one has ever complimented my look before. Jeanie always says I should put a bit of makeup on my face or wear a dress.

I remain cool, giving a curt nod. I feel a smile welling up, but I push it down. I never smile. End of. Period.
"Well anyway, after your breakfast, you need to get dressed quickly as Aro has instructed me to take you to the tower." He informs, handing me my orange juice, before heading to my chest of drawers. "What would you like to wear?" He opens my drawers. "Uh, just jeans and a t-shirt." I give an offhand wave.

"I think you should wear these." He pulls out the shirt and trousers Marcus gave me on my first day. "And these," He grabs the smart shoes. "Oh yes, perfect." He smiles, laying them on the bed. "If you're meeting the wives you need to be dressed well." He goes to leave. "You have half an hour," He takes my finished breakfast tray and heads for the door. "Wait, what tower? Who are the wives?" He slams the door without answering.

"Asshole." I mutter and head for the bathroom. After my shower, I dress in the smart clothes and lace the shoes the best I can. I try to gel my hair into what I hope is a smart hairstyle, and it looks good to me. A quick evaluation of myself in the mirror and then there's a knock at my door. Demetri saunters in before I can even answer. "Ready? Good, let's go." He walks out, I follow. Again, he gives me no time to answer.

The stairs leading up to the tower, are as I imagined, spiral and never ending. I'm complaining by the first few, but Demetri shows no strain whatsoever. Maybe being a vampire has it's perks when it comes to energy. Finally, we come to a door, which is opened by a female guard, Chelsea, who casually flirts with Demetri. "So, this is the new meat," She takes her eyes off Demetri to take me in. "Yes, her name is Lee," Demetri smiles at me. Chelsea stops talking to give me a huge stare, again of disbelief.

"God, enough of the staring! Get a life!" I shove past her and through the narrow door out into a room with a reception desk and another door leading presumably to where the wives live. Without worrying about what Demetri will say, I barge through the door and close it behind me before he can stop me. The room is huge for a tower room. There is a deep red plush carpet, with glamorous curtains, L-shaped white sofas, magazines sprawled across them, and surprisingly, a TV.
There's another door at the side of the room, which I open, leading to another room, completely symmetrical, double everything, with a chest of drawers either side of the room, a desk, with a vanity mirror, and curtains seperating two bedrooms. The curtains are open, revealing the beds, there's a wall between them for privacy. Something tells me there are two wives. So basically, this room is the bedroom and the other is their living room. No bathroom? Odd.

"Why are you in here?" I turn around to see a pretty blonde woman in a tight black dress standing in the door way of the bedroom. She's a vampire for sure. So beautiful. "Um.." I clear my throat. "Are you one of the wives? Demetri sent me."

She sighs and drifts off into the living room. I follow. She perches on the white sofa. "I have a name and it is Sulpicia." She corrects, giving a slight scowl. "I am Aro's wife." Oh great, another enemy to make. If I really dislike Aro, I suspect she'll really hate me. "Yeah well, it's not my fault you have a weird name, and besides, they didn't tell me anything else. Just said I had to meet the wives." I shrug and sit on the other sofa.

"Well, you're not the only one who's had a mistake with information." She says, examining her long nails. "They told me my new bodyguard was a woman, so I guess we're both disappointed."
"Is that why I'm here? As a bodyguard?" I'm good at that kind of stuff. "Yes, for myself and Athenadora, Caius' wife." She informs.

"Cool. And for your information, I am a woman. My name's Lee." I saunter over to the TV stand which is full of photographs. "Really?" Her voice remains flat, but it's obvious she's surprised. "Yeah," I shrug, picking up a photo of a woman with dark hair. "Who's this?" I hold it out to her. Her eyes widen. "Put that back. That is precious." For once, I listen and put it back.

Before I can ask again, the door opens and the other wife walks in.

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