Author's Apologies

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Hello everyone. 

I hope you're all well and enjoying this ridiculous heat! [If you're in the UK that is.] I'm definitely not haha!

I would first like to apologise profoundly for not updating once a week like I promised. I honestly have no excuse for it. I am really sorry to those that have been supporting me and waiting for an update. It's not acceptable and I hope you can forgive me. 

I have written the next chapter and I will upload it as soon as this apology note is uploaded. Please let me know your thoughts and comments on it. Hopefully, I still have some of you left who are waiting for an update and are still following my story. I really hope you enjoy the next chapter but if not, let me know how you think it could have been better. 

Thank you so much for your patience. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Lixxyy :) -x-

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