Smoke, Fog, and Haze

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Write about not being able to see in front of you.


I am blind. That is to say that my glasses have fogged up yet again - it is incredibly annoying, isn't it? To know that the unimpaired world around you continues as it does, but you are stuck in limbo while the blurry haze in front of you persists.

Perhaps I will take the bus, next time. It is not nearly cold enough to fog my glasses up. Or perhaps, I will cycle to work. The exercise might do me good. Even the train would spare me the inconvenience of having to rub away the coating that eventually gathers and rolls down my nose bridge.


My glasses have come clear again.

I continue my walk to the workplace, all other thoughts of changing my lifestyle gone. Maybe that one minute isn't so bad after all. (I'll regret it tomorrow.)

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