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Write about building a fire 


He looks out over the waiting crowd; they stare back at him with vacant, unblinking eyes.


A whisper of uncertainty crosses his mind - can he really do this? Does he even have the ability to? The thought of not being able terrifies him, so he tucks the harrowing notion far, far away. Deep in the back of his mind, where he keeps the things he barely thinks about, and where it sits and nudges him insistently.

He tells it to be still, and he begins the trek to the podium - it's only half a minute long - but to him, it feels like an eternity. This is his moment. His chance to shine.

Or fall - it does not matter. This one speech will determine it all.

He clears his throat, having finally ascended the stage, the bright lights rendering his eyes nearly blind. He cannot squint to protect them, or they will think he is afraid. His throat is dry, and his voice cracks as he begins to speak.

He weaves tales of a god and a deity, and a new religion to atheists sitting in the audience. He proclaims the glory of this belief, and he presents a powerpoint to back his claims. Anything to get them to believe, he will do.

He can feel the excitement rising, and his voice grows stronger.


When he leaves, he is satisfied, and the cheers that follow behind him keep him in that state, until the next time he enters another stadium, another room, another place.

They call him a God.

And now he is fanning the flames he has sparked.

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