chapter VI

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I shimmied out of Josh's arms trying not the wake him. Something was terribly wrong. I'm having an episode. I immediately started panicking. I didnt know what to do. I shook Josh awake, feeling terribly guilty. I didnt want to ruin our night. " J-Josh, ple-please wake up, i can-can't breathe," i said, my voice cracking as I tried to take deep breathes in. I couldn't feel my legs or hands. I was terrified. Finally, Josh woke up. His face went white. " Leilah, oh my god!" he sat up and put a hand on my shoulder. " Oxygen tank..... In my bag." I crocked. " Okay okay, ill get it," josh said running out of the room. I laid back down on the bed starting to feel myself slip away. He ran back into the room. " Here here, no breathe here." He said sitting behind me and putting the cannula in my nose. I tried to take big breathes, but i couldn't get any in. I then blacked out.

Josh's Pov.

    I was panicking. I couldnt loose her. I didnt know what to do. " Hospital, we have to get you to a hospital." I said out loud even though i knew she couldnt hear me. I started to cry. I was so scared. I threw on my jacket and and put a pair of my boxers on her. I scooped her up and grabbed my keys. I drove to the hospital at lightning speed.
When we got there, i lifted her back up and and ran into the emergency center. "Help, please someone help, shes unconcious!" I screamed through my tears. A group of doctors ran over to me with a stretcher. I laid her down and kissed her forehead crying. " I am so sorry, i am so sorry," i kept saying through my tears. "I'm afraid you will have to wait here sir. She's in good hands." A nurse signaled me over to a room. She asked me a series of questions about her. I told her that she told me she had breathing problems and she just woke me up and couldn't breathe or talk. I was still sobbing. " Okay sir, calm down, we will do everything we can to help her. " I walked out into the empty waiting room and called tyler. He picked up almost immediately. " Hey....josh whats wrong." He could tell something was wrong without me even saying anything." Tyler, just come down to the Hospital off route 100. Its leilah. Please jusg come." I said, almost unaudiable. " okay, okay, ill be right there." Tyler said.
Minutes later, tyler stumbled in in pajama pants and a sweatshirt. " Whats going on? What happened Josh?" He came over and sat next to me. " She woke me up and she couldnt breathe. She has some medical condition. This wasnt the first time this happened. Im so scared." I said breaking on my last phrase. " Oh my god," was all tyler could say. We both just sat in the waiting room and cried. God, i hope nothing happens to her.
A few hours later, a doctor came out and walked over to me. "Josh Dun?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes, thats me."

" Good. Hi, I'm doctor Kennedy. Leilah is doing better right now. We had to do extensive CPR when she came back. Luckily, you got her here before she completely stopped breathing. When she woke back up, she kept calling for you." My heart sank. I wish I was by her side the entire time. "She's on oxygen and is resting now. If you'd like, you two can come back and sit in the room with her. We plan to discharge her sometime tomorrow morning." The doctor said. Me and tyler both stood up and followed him to her room.
When I walked in, she was asleep in the hospital bed wearing one of those blue gowns. She had an oxygen mask on. I walked over and sat in the chair next to the bed and took her hand. It was freezing cold, as usual. I kissed the back of her hand. I am so glad she is alright.

Leilah's POV

    I woke up and I didn't know what happened or where I was. Then it all came back to me. I turned my head over to see Josh sitting next me to holding my hand. " Hey beautiful," he said. I smiled and closed my eyes again. He rose his hand and put it to my face. I could tell he was exhausted and had been crying. "How do you feel?" He asked. "Okay, a little weak and hungry." I said back. A doctor walked into the room. "Your'e awake! Thats good to hear. How are you feeling?"

" Fine. A little groggy right now. My chest sort of hurts."

" Thats probably just from the CPR we had to do."

I nodded and looked back at Josh. He gave me a small smile giggled. "Well, I'm going to discharge you at noon today. I suggest you get a lot of rest over the next couple of days. Maybe call someone to take care of you just incase?" The doctor said. " I will be staying with her," Josh said squeezing my hand. I mouthed a thank you to him.
When we got in the car, Josh broke down. My heart sank as I watched him sob. His hands were shaking. " I-I thought I was going to loose you. I do-don't know what i would have done without you. I didn't think i would get you here in time. I was so scared, Leilah." I pulled him into a tight hug as he cried on my shoulder. A tear ran down my cheek. "I'm okay babe, shhhh, its over. I'm going to get better." We sat in the car like this and talked for a good 15 minutes.
    On the drive back to my apartment, we were almost in silence. I could tell josh was very sleep deprived. "Thank you for taking care of me," I said. "You're welcome. I will stay with you as long as you need me." Josh said placing a hand on my inner thigh. I shivered at his touch. " I love you, Leilah." He said smiling at me. " I love you too, Josh. Don't ever forget that."
    When we got back to my apartment, Josh was very helpful with everything. He carried me and my oxygen tank inside, since I didnt even have shoes. When we got inside, he laid me down on the bed. "Nap time," he said. He took off his hoodie and laid down next to me. I adjusted my cannula and fell asleep in his chest.
When we woke back up, it was 11:35 PM. We had slept the whole day. " Well, what do you want to do now?" He said. " Wanna watch a movie or something?" I suggested. "Sure," he said. We walked out to the couch and chose a movie. "Pizza?" He said. "Pizza." I said. I didnt realise how hungry I was. The rest of the night we sat on the couch and ate pizza while cuddling. I didn't think it was possible for someone to care about me this much.


Greetings Readers! This was a heavy and long chapter. I hope you are enjoying the story so far! I might not be able to update as much in the future, as things are getting busy with work and School starts on Monday :(. But I will try my very hardest. Also, don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you! |-/

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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