Familiar face.

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Seths POV

My sister Leah pulled up to school in her car.

'Go on Seth go stand with the guys' She mumbles.

'Ok' I smile. I walk across the lot to see Embry, Quil, Collin and Brady standing by their cars.

'Sup guys' I grin.

'Hey mate' Brady.

'Y'allright?' Collin.

'Yo sethster.' Embry

'Hey seth' Quil.

'Watcha talking bout?'

'Just this supposive new girl everyones talkin' 'bout' Embry answers.

'Yeh apparently she's got an english accent and is super hot' Brady continues.

'Anyone seen her?' I ask.

'Nah, heared she's in our year though' Collin comments. Me, Collin and brady are all 16 wheras Embry and Quil are a year above and are 17.

'Lucky you' Embry mutters. Then the bell goes.

We all head to class, French with Mrs.Sugar. I take a seat whilst brady and collin sit behind me.

Just as the second bell goes a girl walks into the class.

'Sorry i'm late Mrs.' She says in a sweet panicked voice.

'No problem dear, Just take a seat next to mr. clearwater' She tells her.

The girl glides across the room and takes the seat next to me.

'Hi im Seth Clearwater' I say extending my hand.

As she turns to facee me i see that she's very pale, but not vampire pale, Has very light blonde hair and sparkling sapphire eyes. She smiles a bright smile to me and takes my hand.

'Scarlet Brookes' She replies in an english accent with a hint of American. Im guesing shes the new girl now.

We both turn round to face the front.

But as the teacher talks I cant help but think that those eyes and that face seem so, so familiar...

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