Chapter 4

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Louis' P.O.V

It was Monday and I was already done for the week. I had woke up late, failed my math test, and Mrs. Flack said I need tutoring if I wanted to pass. Today was just not my day. I walked over to mine and Zayn's table and noticed three other boys. Niall, Liam, and Harry. My day just keeps getting better. Liam and Zayn were laughing about something Niall had said, while Harry picked at his inedible food.

"Hey Lou!" Zayn said, his laughter dying down.

"Hey." I glance around at the other boys.

"Oh! I invited them to sit with us, is that okay?" Zayn said noticing my confusion.

"Yeah, but I wish you would've asked me before you did it." I grumbled sitting in the only seat left, next to Harry. He looked up at me for a quick second before looking back down, as if I was medusa.

"So are you guys going to Ashton's party on Friday? I heard it's going to be sick." Niall said.

"I don't know Niall." Liam mumbled squirming in his seat a little bit. Stick in the mud.

"Well me and Lou will go." Zayn glanced at me and I nodded.

"Fine I'll go." Liam groaned.

"What about you Harry?" Niall glanced at Harry.

"Eh why not." He shrugged and we continued eating. My day got a little bit brighter. I know Harry hates me and I'm being a pussy not telling him I didn't mean what I said, but maybe I could get him without telling him that.

"Hey Harry? Do you want to work on our project after school?" I glance at him.

"Um yeah sure." He mumbled. I looked back to see Zayn smirking with his arms crossed over his chest. I rolled my eyes and stared back down at my food. It was clearly not actual meat, so I got up and tossed it in the trash. Zayn, Liam and Niall were engaged in a conversation for all of lunch, while Harry stayed quiet. What is up with him. I shook it off, I'll just ask him about it later. I don't care if he doesn't want to tell me, he will tell me.


Ready to go Harry?" I walked up to him and he seemed to be in deep thought, like he's been all day.

He rushed into my car without a single word and we drove to his  house. He practically sprinted out of my cat to the door and fumbled with his keys. He put his  bag down on the couch, and turned to me. "Do you want something to eat or drink?" He asked, seeming annoyed.

"No but I do want something else." I mumbled the last part, he probably didn't hear me.

"What else do you want?" He furrowed his eyebrows. My eyes widened in surprise. I didn't think he heard me.

"I want to know what's up with you today." I snapped.

"Me? What about you? First you hate me, then you act like you like me, next you hate me again, and now you try to be buddy buddy with me? make up your fucking mind." He yelled. He thinks I hate him? Hell no it's the complete opposite.

"I never hated you." I barely whispered.

"Whatever let's just do this project." He grumbled, changing the subject. We worked on our project only speaking a little. Anne came home awhile  after we started. "Mum! I-I thought you worked late tonight." He stuttered.

"Oh well, I got off early. Louis its so nice to see you again!" Anne walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

"The pleasure is all mine Anne." I smirked and kissed her hand, I knew it would make Harry pissed.

"Well I'm going to go make dinner." She smiled. "I'm making enchiladas, do you want to stay for dinner?" Harry immediately stiffened and closed his eyes, probably praying I'd say no.

"That sounds delicious Anne, I would love to." I smirked at Harry, only to see him shooting me daggers.

"Great dinner should be ready soon." Anne headed to the kitchen.

"Why do you hate me." He whisper–yelled.

"It's amusing to see you squirm." I shrugged.

"Your such an asshole."  He groaned. We went through the routine of siting in silence and working. To say it was awkward was an understatement. Finally Anne called us for dinner. Dinner went great and Anne shared many great stories about Harry, causing him to blush deeply.

"Alright my mum is waiting for me, so I better go. I hope to see you soon Anne, bye Harry." I waved goodbye and left.

I got in my in my house and headed straight to my room and crashed onto my bed, not even bothering to change my clothes. I was too tired and ready for the day to end. So soon after I got into my bed, I fell asleep.


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