Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V

I could feel my head pounding, I hadn't opened my eyes yet but I knew when I did the light would be way too bright. It wouldn't hurt to lay here a while longer right? "Harry–whoa." I opened my eyes to see a dumbstruck Niall. I squinted a bit so my eyes could adjust. "First I find Liam and Zayn in bed and now I find you and Louis in bed? What the hell?" He grumbled.

"Zayn and Liam slept together? Wait and what are you talking abou–" I glanced to my side to see Louis asleep. I glanced under the covers and we were both naked. I hopped out of bed and immediately regretted it, when a sharp pain shot through my body. I groaned in pain and held my back.

"Well, at least I know who tops." Niall smirked. I shot daggers at him before scrambling to find all of my clothes and putting them on.

"Find Liam and let's go. Louis will kill me if he found out about this." I rushed out the door and limped slightly. Liam was already standing outside the door and Zayn was walking out, limping.

"So Liam and Louis top? Nice." Niall smirked, causing the three of us to shoot him a look that could kill.

"Wait how would you know Louis topped?" Liam  furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well him and Harry did the dirty and Harry's limping." Niall explained.

"So he finally told you how he felt? Thank god." Zayn sighed of relief.

"Wait– told me how he felt? He didn't say anything like that. How does he feel?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. All of a sudden Zayn's face paled.

"O-oh nothing. I better be off!" He stuttered before rushing– well limping down the stairs. I couldn't help but notice Liam staring at his ass smirking, on his way down.

"I fucking knew Louis like you!" Niall exclaimed, jumping up and down like he just won the lottery.

"He doesn't like me." I blushed.

"Then go ask Zayn if he does." Niall smirked crossing his arms. I groaned before limping down the stairs to find Zayn searching for something, most likely his keys.

"Zayn." I breathed.

"H-hey Harry." He shifted awkwardly.

"I have to ask you something and I need you to be completely honest." He noticeably gulped but nodded.

"Does Louis like me?" I asked quietly. Zayn looked away from me, avoiding eye contact. "Does Louis like me?" I asked much louder and confident this time.

"You can't tell him that I told you but," he sighed heavily. "Yeah he does, a lot actually."

"He has a funny way of showing it." I grumbled.

"I know he's not good at showing his emotions in the right way, he's knew to this whole thing. Just give him a chance?"

"Thank you Zayn you've been a big help." I rushed up the stairs ignoring the sharp pains in my bum. I went back to the room I originally came from, where Louis was sitting on the bed awake.

"Harry? What the hell are you doing her–" I didn't give a shit what he had to say or what he would do afterwards. I slammed my lips onto his and kissed him deeply. Something I wanted to do since the first time we kissed.


Louis' P.O.V

I woke up and realized I wasn't in my own bed. I looked down to see I was completely naked. What the? Memories from last night flooded into my mind. No, no, no, no, no. Harry probably left early so he wouldn't have to see me, he hates me. He hates me so much that he didn't even say anything before leaving.

The door swung open and revealed Harry. "Harry? What the hell are you doing her–" he grabbed the back of my neck and crashed our lips together. He pulled back and stared into my eyes.

"Zayn told me that you like me. Is that true?" That fucking bastard. I swear I'm going to kill him.

I sighed. "Yes it is and I don't want to here you reject me, so just leave and save me the heart ache." I choked out, the tears already forming in the corners of my eyes. He stared at me for a second, before bursting out laughing. Fucking laughing. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. He wasn't rejecting me but laughing.

"You seriously thought I didn't like you back?" He chuckled. He grabbed the sides of my face and pecked my lips gently. "Louis Tomlinson, I've never felt so deeply about someone in my entire life."

"Me either." A single tear fell down my face. He sat down on the bed next to me.

"But I just have one question." He mumbled.


"If you like me, then why did you tell me that kiss was meaningless?" He looked up into my eyes.

"I don't know, guess I was scared of love. I always thought love was just some myth people created and claimed to have it so they felt good about their lives. Something that never happened. But then my world was turned upside down when I kissed you." I glanced up into his eyes.

"I get it." He nodded. "How about you put some clothes on and we go for a date?"

"I would love that." I smiled. He got up from the bed and hissed in pain. "Wow I must've really done a number on you." I smirked.

"Shut up." He shoved me playfully and giggled.


"Where are we going?" I huffed as Harry tugged my hand along.

"It's a surprise Lou." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"I hate surprises." I grumbled.

"Aw babe, you look so cute when you're pouting." He cooed before pecking my cheek, making them turn a light shade of pink.

"Are we almost there?" I sighed. He simply nodded and continued walking. After what seemed like forever we arrived at a small coffee shop, that if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't even notice it.

"Here we are. My mum used to bring me and my sister here." He stood admiring the building.

"Then let's go in shall we?" I grinned tugging him inside.

He ordered himself a black coffee, while I settled for a nice cup of tea. "This is amazing." I moaned as I took another sip.

"I told you so." He chuckled. I stuck out my tongue playfully and continued to drink my tea. "So erm can I ask you something?" He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Shoot." I smiled, setting my drink down.

"What...what are we?" He motioned between us.

"Whatever you want to be, love." I grabbed his hand and brushed my thumb across it gently.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" He asked sheepishly.

I leaned across the table and kissed him gently. "Of course."


A/n: so this is actually the end of the story. I know it's short but I didn't want to stretch it out so I made it short and sweet. I hope you enjoyed it! xoxo

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