Birthday Part 4

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{Charlottes Point of View}

Shawn held me on his arm leaving the hotel.

I felt like a princess.

I looked over at Shawn who was focusing on the pavement.
He was wearing a gorgeous black suit that matched perfectly with my dress.

Tyler never took me out. The most romantic thing he's probably ever done for me was inviting me round to his house to watch him play video games. He made me feel like I was not important. But at the time I thought he was the love of my life. How stupid was I?

But today, with Shawn, made me realise that he is the one. The only one I want to be with. When I'm with him my heart beats so uncontrollably. I get a swarm of butterflies.
He is the one I love , with all my heart.


As we arrived at Siroccos , I suddenly become anxious, like everybody was looking at us.
"What's wrong baby?" Shawn replied quickly, with a concerned look on his face.
"I ... I just feel like everyone is watching us... Shawn is it the way I'm dressed or-?"
"Charlotte you look absolutely magnificent. If they're looking at us it's only because I'm famous". He joked. "Or that they also think you look magnificent". He said more seriously.

Shawn just knows how to put me at ease.
I remember I Skyped him at 4am balling my eyes out because I found out why my dad left my mum. He cheated and left us for another woman. But Shawn was so caring and trying to make me feel better. He does this thing where he lists all the reasons why he loves me. It's kinda cringey but I still love it.

As we sat down, the waiter strolled over and asked us for our order.

As the meal progressed, Shawn and I just kept chatting. We get on better than bestfriends.

But as the perfect meal came to an end, Shawn payed the waiter, in which seemed like a fortune.
"Shawn - are you sure I can't pay for at least a quarter of it? It just seems to expensive and I feel bad..."
"Charlotte it's fine , really! It's not like I'm short of money" , he looked up as he tried to get a laugh out of me. "And besides , it's your birthday and I want you to feel special".
"Shawn honestly, this has been one of the best birthdays I've had." I said back blushing.
"Well hopefully I will be able to take you out more and spend time with you", Shawn said to me.

We started talking about our childhoods as we left the restaurant. We walked out arm in arm onto the quiet London street, as we started to walk back to the hotel.

There were only a few men on the road, but I still hung onto Shawn a little bit tighter as we walked past them.

"So Shawn, you're telling me that you've never been to Hyde park ? It's one of my favourite places ever!" I said surprised.
"I know , I know! It's just every time I've come to England is either been for work or to visit family who live in the south west-"

Shawn was cut off suddenly.

"All the things I could do to you", a man said coming from behind us.


"WHAT THE FUCK MAN ? SERIOUSLY ?". Shawn shouted as he pinned the obviously drunk man against the wall.

"Shawn it's okay, please just let go of him"
I panicked.

"Did you not hear what he said to you Charlotte? It's so disrespectful!"
Shawn threw his clenched up fists into the mans face and punched him harshly. Until he released his hold from the mans shirt.

Shawn grabbed ahold of my wrists , tightly as he pulled me away, rushing. I looked back and saw the man stumbling away in the other direction.

"Shawn why the hell did you do that ? It was completely unnecessary! Shawn you started to scare me-"

"Charlotte you have to understand that because I love you , I get very protective. I can't have anyone speaking to you like that. It's rude and plus it was obvious you were taken ! All I want to do is keep you safe. And I'm so sorry you felt scared . That was never my intention. If this ruined your birthday, I couldn't forgive myself...-".

"Shawn it's okay... I've never had anybody stick up for me like that. Or at all. And Shawn it hasn't ruined my birthday. It just made me realise how important I am to you."

Shawn pulled me closer towards him.
"Charlotte, you are everything to me. I know we say this all the time to each other but I want you to know again... I love you ... More than I could possibly love anything else. You are the reason I can function. Before I met you I knew I was missing something. Charlotte, you make me feel so complete. I just hope you feel just as strongly for me." Shawn said.
He looked at me in my eyes, waiting for my response.
"Shawn, I don't know how to top that, but you are the reason I smile and laugh. I loved you long before you even knew who I was. But I just want to let you know... That I do love you too",

Shawn smiled and pulled my lips onto his. They were so warm and he wrapped his arms around me.

But just as he did that it started to rain heavily.
We laughed hysterically. Still holding onto each other.

Shawn gave me his jacket and he placed it around my head and we started to run back to the hotel. Still laughing.

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