He'll leave me

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6 Weeks Later

{Charlotte's Point of View}

It's been over a month since Shawn went back to Canada.

Last night I Skyped him and Aaliyah was there. That was the first time I spoke to her. She was really kind and lovely. We spoke about girly things and I think Shawn felt a bit left out.
But Shawn said that he'll call me tonight to sort out the plans and dates of when he's coming back to see me.

My friend Tina has been on a 7 week holiday to Australia and she got back yesterday so I can't wait to see her and catch up.

I got a text from her moments afterwards which said : "Hi Charlotte, I'll be round in about 45 minutes".

I got up from the sofa and I made my way tit the bathroom to have a quick shower.

I washed my hair and hopped out the shower. I sat down on my bed, drying off, whilst scrolling through my Twitter.
Shawn was right, I do get quite a bit of hate since the whole radio interview. But I don't really pay attention to it and it doesn't get to me like I thought it would. The haters are just angry that I'm with Shawn and they aren't. It's not because I've done anything bad. But I move past it pretty quickly.

But soon I stood up and got dressed.
Until I heard the doorbell go.

I ran downstairs and I swung open the front door. I gave Tina a giant hug and we and our way to my room.

We chatted for a little bit and we even ordered pizza. But it wasn't long before she asked about my birthday and Shawn.

I gave her a summary of what happened.

"You has sex with Shawn ?!" Tina screamed.
"Yes ... I did" I replied.
"And you didn't even use protection! Oh my goodness!". Tina continued to scream.
"Tina, I took the morning after pill... But promise you won't say anything". I asked her more seriously. At this point I started to have tears fill my eyes.
Tina say this and said, "Oh no, you're pregnant aren't you?".
"Maybe". I started sobbing. Tina moved over and put her arms around me.
"Have you taken a test Charlotte?". She asked.
"No, but my period is always on time and I'm 3 weeks late-".
Tina cut me off. "Right,  I'm going to get you a test".

She was only about 10 minutes before she got back.
"Right, Charlotte I was reading the instructions on the way back and I think all you need to do is pee on the coloured end. And then we just have to wait 5 minutes."

"Oh... Um... Okay then". And I made my way to the toilet.

I came back and I placed the stick on my bed, between me and Tina.

These 5 minutes felt like an eternity.

"Charlotte, it's been 5 minutes, do you want me to look or do you?". She asked quietly.
"Can you tell me please?". I replied as I sat on my little sofa.
Everything in my body was tensed. My arms were crossed and my eyes had tear stains.

"Charlotte.... You're pregnant".

Those words felt like a bulldozer to my body.

Tina quickly rushed over to me trying to get me to calm down. I was a mess. Crying uncontrollably.

What was I going to do?
I'm seventeen. I have no money. No job. I'll have to stop going to school.

My mum will hate me. She'll be so disappointed.

I'll be a teenage mum.

Oh god and Shawn.

He lives in another country, half way across the world. He doesn't want kids. He's eighteen. It'll ruin his career.

He'll leave me.

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