I Promise

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{Shawn's point of view}

"We should get going, it's late." I say, checking the time on my phone.
"A few more minutes, I'm comfy," Charlotte replies, staying still with her head on my chest.
"Noooo come on," I say chuckling. "Laila's going to go bed soon and I want to say goodnight."
"You love her so much? Don't you?" Charlotte says, putting her clothes back on.
"I didn't realise that I could fall in love all over again." I smile.
"I love our little family." She says.
"So do I."

We drive back to my house, listening to Ed Sheeren.

"You're both home late." My Mom says, waiting in the kitchen Hokies Laila, as we get through the front door.
"Brian had to leave so Charlotte was helping me finish painting the hallway." I say, laying smirking at Charlotte sonny Mom didn't see.

"I just prepared Laila's milk, so she's ready to go to sleep after she's had that."
"Thankyou for looking after her." Charlotte says as my Mom passes her Laila.
"You know it's no trouble, I love spending time with my granddaughter. Anyways, I'm heading up to be now because I have to take Aaliyah to hockey practice in the morning. Love you all."
"Night Mom."

She heads upstairs, leaving us three downstairs.

"How's my princess?" I say quietly, giving Laila a little kiss on her forehead.
"Shawn, can you just hold her whilst I wash my face and put my pjs on?"
"Sure, I can give her the milk and put her to bed as well."
"Thankyou... Goodnight sweetheart, I'll see you in the morning. I love you lots." Charlotte says before she gives her a kiss and passes her to me.

"It looks like you're all ready for bed." I smile at Laila.
I grab the milk and I go upstairs and sit on the arm chair in Laila's nursery.

"Here you go." I say to Laila, as she was knocking the milk back.
"I'm going to tell you a little secret... Daddy is going to work on his next album in a few weeks!" I whisper. "But I promise that I won't be leaving, I'll be working on it in the city and that's not far away."

She makes a small gurgling noice.

"This is so exciting Laila, there are so many song ideas I can't wait to write. And your Mommy is the inspiration for a lot of them. I love you both so much..."

I put Laila over my shoulder as I run her back gently.
She started to cry.
"Shh. What's wrong? You need to do a little burp then you'll feel better."

I stood up and I started to sing to her, because I have no idea why but she calms down when I do it.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are"

She made a little burp and she stopped crying.

"My work here is done, you need to go to sleep now so that we can have an exciting day tomorrow. Good night my little Laila Mendes. I love you."
I give her a gentle kiss and I place her in her crib.

"Shawn... I heard you singing to her again." Charlotte says, turning over in the bed to give me room.
"Hey, she loves it."
"Like mother like daughter." Charlotte laughs.
"Ok, goodnight." I say, putting my arms around her.
"Night Shawn." She replies, snuggling into me.

{A/N guys we are nearly at the end of the book omg}

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