05 | texting

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Madisons POV

It was 6:30am when my alarm went off. This time I couldn't press snooze. It was Monday. Ughh everyone's least favorite day of the week. I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I did my usual make up and left my hair open. Then I chose a casual outfit to wear and lastly put on my white converse. By now it was 7:30. I quickly grabbed my backpack and headed out the door to my car. Evey morning I put on some music to get me to wake up a little more since I am just not a morning person.

I finally arrived at school and made it to my first class. I knew my way around by now. In the beginning Hannah used to help me out, so that way I never really got lost.

My second class was history with Mrs.Evans and to my surprise I saw Shawn sitting in the back of the room. I guess I totally forgot that he goes back to school again after his tour and just didn't expect him there. He probably didn't have that much to catch up on since the school year just barely started and the teachers haven't gotten much done yet. I took a seat next to him .

"Hey Shawn" I greeted him.

"Oh hey Mads. You're in this class too?" he asked.

"Yep" I said chuckling.

"Good, cause I barely know anyone in here" he said laughing.

We talked a little more until the ball rang and class began.

Other than that, nothing really special happened today at school. I just had a lot of homework to do for tonight which sucked. Once I was back home I sat down by my desk and started working on an essay. Suddenly I got a notification on my phone. It was a text from Shawn.

S: Hey, it's Shawn :)

I smiled staring at his message and answered with:

M: Heyy whats up?

He immediately replied.

S: Well I'm supposed to be doung homework rn. Hbu?

M: Haha yeah same.

I got back to working on my essay. A few minutes later Shawn texted me again.

S: I was wondering if you'd like to hang out again sometime. Like actually do something.. ;D

M: Yeah, sure. How about getting some FroYo tomorrow after school?

S: Sounds good. I'll see you then.

This was what I wanted. It was all working out the way I wanted it to. We're becoming good friends again. Just the thought of that makes me beyond happy.

Shawn POV

I'm glad I asked her and that we're gonna hang out tomorrow. She's right. I do miss those old times where we used to do everything together. Back then it was like nothing could tear us apart.

I was on the couch watching some tv with my phone on the coffee table. Suddenly Aaliyah came up to me from behing and grabbed my phone.

"Aaliyah don't" I warned her.

She plopped down on the bean back in the corner and started going through my texts.

"Aaliyah just give it back" I rolled my eyes at her.

"So you're going on a date huh?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

"What are you talking about. no." I replied harshly.

"with Madsion?! Sure looks like it."

"Ohh.. no geeze Aaliyah we're just friends" I said laughing.

"Yeeaaaah. Sure. Just friends" she said chuckling while handing me back my phone and walking away.

Why would she think that? We're ..just.. friends.
Okay I have to admit. I feel something different when I'm around Madison. But do I have feelings for her? I don't know. Yet. I guess I'll find that out soon.

memories ~Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now