11 | studio

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It was a typical friday. Shawn wasn't at school today because he was at the studio recording and writing some songs, so he got the day off. He wanted me to join him after I got out of school and so I did. I decided to head to starbucks first though to grab him some coffee since he'd probably be really tired by now.

I've never been to his studio that he was at today before but I found my way there. Once I found a parking spot I got out of the car and headed towards the entrance.
As I entered the room I saw James sitting at a desk strumming his guitar while scribbling down some words on a notepad. I looked around the room but couldn't find Shawn anywhere.

"Hi, I don't think we've met before. You're James right? I'm Madison." I introduced myself to him. Shawn told me lots about him. They've become really good friends over the months they have spent together on tour.

"Ohh, hi yes that's me haha. You're Shawn's girlfriend right? It's so nice to finally meet you." He replied kindly.

"You too. I've heard so much about you from Shawn." I said smiling.

"He's been going on and on about you too." He replied smiling.

"Well only good things I hope. Where is he actually?" I asked him.

"Oh he's in the recording room, just going over some stuff with the producers right now I think." He said pointing to a door in the back of the room.

"Okay thanks." I said smiling. "Do you think I could go in there right now? I don't wanna interrupt anything."

"Oh yeah no go ahead" He said.

So I walked towards the back of the room and pressed down on the door knob slowly opening the door to the next room. I saw Shawn sitting in an arm chair with some notes infront of him. He looked pretty concentrated until he noticed me standing in the door frame and a huge smile grew on his face. I walked up to him handing him the iced coffee.

"There you aaaaare." He daid stretching his arms out. "Aww thanks Love. It's so good to see you." He said taking a sip of the coffee I just handed him.

"You too. School sucks without you. I don't know how I did it before." I said leaning down and pecking his lips.

"Duh" he said sarcastically as he pulled me down for me to sit on his lap.

"So what have you been working on today?" I said snaking my arms around his neck.

"We just finished recording a song called "like this". You wanna give it a listen?" He asked. I love how he's so passionate about his music. It's what he does and you can really tell he loves it, even though I haven't even heard this song yet.

"Of course I do." I said getting up and walking towards the area where all the displays and buttons are. I don't even know what all of this is for.

"Hey Dan, can we play the song?" Shawn asked one of the guys working the buttons.

"Sure thing" He answered back.

Shawn handed me some headphones. I leaned down on a desk and just listened to the words. It was absolutely beautiful. I can tell this whole album is going to be amazing. People are gonna love it.

When the song was done I put down the headphones and turned to face Shawn who was sitting in a spinning chair on his phone.

"I absolutely love it. It's beautiful." I told him as I sat down next to him resting my head on his shoulders.

"You do?" He said smiling down at me.

"Yeah" I chuckled. "What are you doing?" I asked curiously looking down on his phone.

"Oh just posted this pic of you." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Whaaat? You did noooot. Show me." I said rolling my eyes laughing.

"Noo it's cute. Look" He said handing me his phone.

 Look" He said handing me his phone

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I read the caption.

"Look who joined me at the studio today❤️"

"Awww" I said a smile appearing on my face. "You're cute"

I headed back home after a while to get some school work done so that I could spend the weekend with him, since he won't get a lot of time off either these next couple of days


Where have I been.. idek.. I've had these next chapters done for ages now but I just wanted to work on them a little more each time I re read them

Hope you're liking this book so far :)
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memories ~Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now