03 | so we meet again

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Madison's POV

When we arrived at the Robertson's house, the hosts of this years party, it was already packed with people. There were kids running around, music playing in the back and some adults standing by the BBQ. Most of these people were still strangers to me, until I saw one familiar face.

"Hannah, over here" I yelled over the loud music.

"Heyyy Mads, what's up?" she came up to me.

"Thank god you're here.. I mean I don't really know any of these people" I say laughing.

"Well..." she flips her hair. "Have you spotted that guy I've told you about yet?" she asks curiously.

"Han I don't even know what he looks like" I tell her.

"Oh riiight lemme see if he's here yet." she says while looking around the room.

"Oh Hannah.. always thinking about the guys." I say chuckling, while grabbing something to drink.

"Heyyy" she says poking me in the arm "I'm just doing this for you, you know? New girls gotta meet a new guy." She says with a smirk on her face.

Then Hannah runs off talking to some old lady about who knows what but that basically left me standing there all alone at the buffet table. Suddenly I see Hannah histerically point on something. I took me a while to realize who she was pointing at with that grin on her face. Then I saw him. Shawn. The Shawn. My childhood best friend that I haven't talked to in forever.

You could say that I.. well umm.. panicked! What do I do? He's walking my way, but hasn't noticed me yet. Should I just turn away?

Too late.

"Madison?" I hear someone say my name. Yep. It was Shawn. How did he recognize me so fast?

"Shawn? H-Heyy" I say awkwardly while staring into my cup.

"Wooow.. um didn't expect to see you here. Since when have you been back?" he asks me, not taking his eyes off of me with a confused look on his face.

"Oh well I actually just moved here pretty recently about two months ago" I replied.

"Ohh right.. while I was away" he mumbled that last part.

"Wait, wait..so you're the famous kid that went on tour?" I asked right away.

"That's me" he says while scratching the back of his neck.
Wow I can't believe how.. different he looks. A good different. I mean I still recognized him, but he has gotten so tall. So grown up and handsome. Okay now I'm just starting to sound weird.

We just stood there awkwardly for a while. I couldn't stop staring into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Okay this is just awkward" he said chuckling.

Oh no. I was staring too much, wasn't I?

"Yeeeeah haha" I just said blushing.

"Well I'll see you around then?" he asked me smiling.

"Yeah, I guess so." I replied and smiled back at him.

Shawn's POV

It was Madison. My childhood best friend. She's actually back. I can't believe it. And she looks so.. beautiful with her dark blonde hair and blue eyes. Ohh what am I even saying? That conversation we just had was pretty awkward. But I still hope to be seeing her around sometime.

Madisons POV

I was back home, took off my shoes and plopped onto my bed, because I was pretty tired by now. Tonight turned out to be nothing like I imagined it would. I still can't believe I saw Shawn again.

My phone rang. It was Hannah so I immediately picked up thinking she'd probably wanted to talk to me about Shawn since we didn't have the chance to do that at the party.

"Heyy Han" I greeted her in a happy but exhausted tone.

"omg omg omg what did I tell you dude. Can't believe that guy actually came up to you tonight." She said excitedly.

"Hannah it was Shawn" I said emphasizing his name.

"Uhh so you got his name huh?"

"Nooo Han, that was THE Shawn. my childhood best friend?!" I said facepalming.

"Oh-my-goooosh" I could imagine her jaw dropping. "Wait, wait soo is he the one I told you about? The one who went on tour and just got back few days ago?"

"Yep. That's him. Crazy right?" I sighed.

"Sure is" she said. "Well what did he say? What did you guys talk about?"

"Not much. Honestly, it was soo awkward. I think he caught me starting at him." I rolled my eyes.

"So you were staring at him huh" She asked with that smirk in her voice.

"Ughhh shut up." I said laughing. "But then he just sort of ended the whole thing and we said we'd see each other around."

"Woah.. still can't believe that's him. He's not too bad looking you know?" She said, making me laugh again.

"Yep, I do have to admit that. To be honest I really hope I'll bump into him again. We just left things so..weird.. I mean compared to how close we used to be."

"Aww yeah I get it. Well keep me updated. We'll talk tomorrow okay? I'm getting a little tired." she said as she let out a yawn.

"Yeah same. Good night, sleep tight." and with that we both hung up and I got up to get ready for bed, until I was finally able to fall asleep.

memories ~Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now