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^^Izzy's Car, just picture it black^^


"Bye dad. Have a great time on tour, I love you." I hugged dad before pulling away as waving at the guys. I had already hugged them all and said goodbye.

"Love you too darling, remember, download Skype on your phone please." He asked for the Tenth time.

"I will as soon as I get in the car." I promised him as mom walked through the door.

"Have fun, guys." Mom told them as she motioned to me that it was time to go.

"Love you guys!" I yelled as I walked out of the house.

The guys were leaving at like 4:30 tomorrow so mom said she would pick me up from dad's house tonight so he could pack.

Mike, Jaime, and Turtle decided to stay at dad's tonight to make it easier in the morning.

I through my bag I'm the backseat and carefully put my bass in aswell.

I hopped into the front seat as mom started the car. I pulled out my phone and download Skype before setting up my account.

"How do you feel about them leaving?" Mom asked and I shrugged.

"I mean, yeah it sucks and I'm going to miss them, but at the same time I know that thousands of people have been waiting to see them live for years and I'm really happy that the guys and dad get to do what they love." I dropped some deep shit.

"You'll be surprised, the next two and half months will go by so fast." Mom promised as she glanced over her shoulder before switching lanes.

"I should probably take my drivers test soon." I told her and she nodded.

"Are you sure though? You've had you're permit for awhile and you've only driven enough to get the required amount if hours."

"Yeah, we've had my car ready for how long? I'm finally old enough to drive it and I think that once I'm able to drive alone, I might enjoy it more." I suggested and mom nodded again.

"I can call the Secretary of State when we get home and book an appointment, you can drive my car when you take it." Mom smiled at me, she doesn't let many people drive her car.

"Thank you mom, love you." I said and gave her a smile.

"Love you too honeybun."

I rolled my window down slightly and let the warm air blow against my face. I breathed in deeply, enjoying the smell.

From: Best Freaking Dad Ever
Did you set up an account?

To: Best Freaking Dad Ever
Yup, it's the same as my twitter

Within a few minutes, I got a notification that dad added me on Skype.

"On the bright side, I have dad on speaker now." I told mom as she took an exit off the express way.

"That's good, he really is a good father." She said with a small smile.

"The best." I said happily.

The rest if the ride was quiet until I turned on the radio.

Mom sang along to every country song. I took a video of her, she can sing really well.

"How is it that both of my parents can sing and I can't?" I asked with a laugh.

"You're not as bad as you think."

"But I'm also not good."

"Well I didn't want to hurt your fealings." She said with a chuckle before pulling into our driveway.

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