First Date

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^^Date Outfit^^


I finished up the last of the stock in the back room the other day so Phil had me behind the counter. It was almost 8pm so the shop was pretty empty.

I messed with small stuff behind the counter until I heard the bell on the door ring.

"Hi welcome to Skate Heaven." I greeted as I looked up. Two guys walked in, they both gave me a polite smile. I recognized them, they were in the year above me but I had geometry with one last school year.

I went back to messing with stuff as I heard Andrew and Phil talking about fancy business stuff in the office.

"Ow, fuck!" Andrew said loudly and I laughed, one of the guys looked over to me but I ignored it and peaked into the office.

"You alright?" I asked and giggled slightly. Phil was laughing behind the desk and Andrew was holding a hand to his head.

"I smacked my head really hard on the desk." He grumbled and Phil laughed harder.

I just rolled my eyes playfully with a smile and went back out to the front. The guys were just browsing around and eventually stopped in the back. Pretty much the entire wall was covered in decks. After a few minutes of them taking some down and feeling them about before putting the decks back, I went over to them.

"Is there anything I can help you guys with?" I asked politely as I came up to them.

"I'm thinking about changing the size deck I skate, any suggestions? I currently have a 7.5" the more edgy looking one of the two asked.

"Depends on what you're going for. The wider a deck you get, the harder it will be to flip but easier to land. Other than that, there's really nothing else that I could help you with when it comes to deciding a deck size, it's mostly personal preferance." I explained.

He nodded and I continued.

"The good thing is that since the decks are wrapped up, you can take down the different sizes and styles and find what's most comfortable." I suggested, "Start with an 8 inch and work your way up."

After a few minutes, I went back to the counter.

"If you need anything at all, I'm right up there." I told the two guys before going back to my spot. They didn't need me back there, the one was just trying different decks.

"She knows her shit." I heard the second guy say to the edgier one.

The second guy had more of a country feel to him. Old blue jeans with a camo shirt tucked in, short but messy brown hair. The first guy had longer dirty blond hair, a Street League Skateboarding shirt, dark tight pants that weren't quite skinny jeans but close.

"She wouldn't work here if she didn't." Edgy guy said to Camo dude.

I began to doodle little storm trooper helmets on a sticky note. It lasted about 20 minutes before the two came up to the counter.

"Find everything you needed?" I asked as I set my pen down and stood up from the stool.

"Yeah, also can I get just the regular Jess Up grip?" The edgier guy asked and handed me a plastic wrapped deck.

"Of course." I said with a smile.

I unwrapped the deck and grabbed a sheet of plain black grip from the wall behind me.

I set the deck on the end part of the counter, this was the grip 'station'. It was just an extra bit of counter that was wood instead of plexiglass and had a rubber mat on top.

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